SAP Executive Forum

What is an SAP Executive Forum?

An SAP Executive Forum gives technology leaders in the SAP space an opportunity to share stories, challenges, and ideas. It can be useful to hear from those that have the same responsibilities and are beholden to similar goals. At SAPinsider, the place for leaders to interact is the Technology Executive Forum (TEF).

What is an SAP Executive Forum?

An SAP Executive Forum gives technology leaders in the SAP space an opportunity to share stories, challenges, and ideas. It can be useful to hear from those that have the same responsibilities and are beholden to similar goals. At SAPinsider, the place for leaders to interact is the Technology Executive Forum (TEF).

The TEF engages with executives and leaders at SAP customer companies to hear their SAP journeys and technology-related priorities. This engagement happens through multiple avenues, including:

  • Virtual executive meetings
  • Webinars from the most important technology vendors in the SAP ecosystem
  • Virtual executive summits with customer and vendor speakers
  • In-person summits, such as at the SAPinsider conference in Las Vegas
  • Research reports, which utilize survey data and in-person interview to capture the trends that matter most to technology leaders

SAP Executive Forums help leaders find the answers they need to move their businesses forward. That often means finding the right technology and the TEF partners with a diverse set of key vendors such as Deloitte, SUSE, Microsoft, and Worksoft. Each of those vendors captures different parts of the SAP journey — from strategy and implementation to architecture, infrastructure, and testing automation.

Key Considerations for an SAPinsiders:

  • TEF’s recent research into the CIO’s Agenda for 2022 found that technology leaders are primarily focused on increasing process efficiency and visibility while reducing IT costs. The technologies they are focused on to accomplish this include SAP S/4HANA and cloud offerings.
  • Technology leaders are often an excellent source of thought leadership in the SAP space, as they are the ones making the ultimate buying decisions on many of SAP’s solutions. The TEF includes leadership perspectives from every industry and from companies at various stages of their SAP journeys — from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA in the cloud.
  • SAP S/4HANA remains the most strategic investment for executives in the SAPinsider community. Across the whole technology group, our research in SAP S/4HANA migration also shows that SAP’s 2027 mainstream maintenance deadline on legacy SAP ERPs is among the top drivers to move to SAP S/4HANA. Through the TEF, we are able to bring together perspectives on how technology leaders should best navigate the SAP S/4HANA migration process.

14 results

  1. An open letter from Jamie Bedard, New President and CEO of Wellesley Information Services

    Reading time: 1 mins

    Insiders, I want to introduce myself as the new President and CEO of Wellesley Information Services (WIS), which is also the owner/operator of SAPinsider and several other end user communities. As you may have read in a recent press release, JAZ’D! Advisors Investment Corporation has acquired 100% of WIS with a significant investment earmarked to…

  2. Catching up with SAP CTO Björn Goerke

    Reading time: 14 mins

    Dion Hinchcliffe (DH), Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research Bjorn Goerke (BG), SAP Chief Technology Officer and President, SAP Cloud Platform Dion Hinchcliffe: Hello, and welcome to SAPinsider. We have Bjorn, CTO with SAP with us. Bjorn, glad to have you with us. Bjorn Goerke: Thank you. Thanks for having me. DH: SAP is...…

  3. Lessons from the C-Suite on Driving Productivity and Transformation

    Reading time: 6 mins

    Running stable operations, improving business processes, and guiding the business into the digital age are tasks of the modern, digitally focused IT organization. In this Q&A, SAP CIO Thomas Saueressig discusses the challenges that IT organizations face as they balance keeping the lights on with re-inventing business models as part of a comprehensive digital transformation.…

  4. 20 Years of Technology Change

    Reading time: 7 mins

    In recognition of the 20th anniversary of SAP TechEd, SAPinsider posed 20 questions to two keynote speakers: Björn Goerke, The Martian, Products & Innovation Technology, and Bernd Leukert, Member of the Executive Board. This wide-ranging interview shows how far technology has come in two decades and how far it will go in the next two…