SAPinsider Research Webinar: Automating and Integrating GRC Processes 2024
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Key Takeaways
⇨ Explore key methods that SAP GRC teams are using to automate and integrate their disparate applications and data.
⇨ Understand what key GRC technologies and solutions SAP customers are investing in over the near and long term.
⇨ Unpack the core drivers that are shaping modern GRC and compliance strategies and discover how SAP S/4HANA can serve as catalyst for GRC modernization and digitization.
SAPinsider examines the challenges and opportunities faced by SAP GRC teams as they strive to integrate their landscapes more tightly and leverage automation to enhance efficiencies. The complexity of global regulations and sprawling application landscapes heightens the need for visibility, making compliance a significant challenge. The report highlights how GRC teams are preparing for rapid changes by investing in solutions that provide insights, security, and automation. A significant 65% of survey respondents focus on end-to-end automated processes to meet compliance and audit requirements. Key technologies in use include automated solutions for addressing SoD conflicts and integrated identity and access management solutions. Organizations plan to continue investing in intelligent technologies to improve visibility and efficiency for their compliance teams.