Market Insights

The number of solutions available from SAP and their broader partner ecosystem is more than most SAPinsiders have the time to learn about or understand, let alone implement. To help provide the information you need on why the topics that these solutions address are important, SAPinsider’s skilled team of analysts and editors interview organizations to learn more about the solutions they offer and the business challenges they address. These articles explain current trends around these topics, how vendors are addressing them, and what you can do to prepare your own organization.

67 results

  1. Leveraging Operational Intelligence for Competitive Advantage

    Reading time: 5 mins

    While there are many aspects and features that are evolving as business intelligence tools evolve, one key aspect is the transition from leveraging BI tools as providing historical insights into “what happened” to being tools that also provide answers to questions like “what is happening” and “what can happen”. And this is where Operational Intelligence…

  2. The Innovation Imperative Hits Mid-Market: A CEO’s Perspective

    Reading time: 8 mins

    The speed of innovation and go-to-market strategies of multinationals and startups places greater competitive pressure on mid-market companies. Adjusting their business models and processes for a leaner, more agile infrastructure is now a business imperative. How can mid-market companies quickly adapt to the changing business landscape? SAPinsider sat down with Norbert Rotter, CEO of NTT…

  3. 2021 GRC Trends Affecting the Intelligent Enterprise

    Reading time: 5 mins

    The move to SAP S/4HANA holds broad implicates beyond technology simplicity, greater speed, and improved process improvement. Governance, Risk, and Compliance teams must fully understand the potential impact this transition has on security, roles, and overall risk to the organization. SAPinsider recently sat down with Dudley Alan Cartwright, CEO of Soterion, to hear how organizations…

  4. Tax Trends SAP Customers Need to Understand

    Reading time: 6 mins

    Tax laws and changes are in constant flux as various governments attempt to solidify revenue sources during these disruptive times. Keeping track of these changes and ensuring compliance has become even more challenging for finance and technology teams. SAPinsider recently sat down with a panel of tax experts from Vertex to discuss the most critical…

  5. Supply Chain Resiliency

    Solving America’s Tylenol Shortage Problem

    Reading time: 4 mins

    When supply chains were disrupted due to SARS epidemic in China, almost two decades ago, there was a lot of buzz around supply chain resiliency and agility. Companies promised leveraging digital tools and technologies to “transform” their supply chains. Technology evolved exponentially in the next two decades. Organizations had access to tools and technologies that,…

  6. Christian Klein image SAP Cloud Growth

    An Executive View on SAP’s RISE Announcement

    Reading time: 6 mins

    By Rizal Ahmed, Chief Content Officer, SAPinsider Navigating the Digital Transformation Dilemma In an unprecedented approach to a major announcement, SAP CEO Christian Klein led a virtual event to unveil a new integrated offering called “RISE with SAP” aimed at facilitating companies’ digital transformation initiatives. The event featured comments from other key tech leaders such…

  7. Is Cash King Again When it Comes to Automation?

    Reading time: 6 mins

    By Rizal Ahmed, Chief Content Officer, SAPinsider When it comes to automation, organizations are balancing a list of priorities. Where does cash fit in the overall automation landscape, and what does that mean for finance teams? Cash in the Automation Landscape According to findings from SAPinsider research on financial automation due to be published in…

  8. preparing for central finance image

    Preparing for Central Finance

    Reading time: 5 mins

    By Rizal Ahmed, Chief Content Officer, SAPinsider Customers are looking to simplify, integrate, and consolidate financial processes, and Central Finance is becoming a popular strategy for achieving that goal. But are you prepared for the integration implications? SAPinsiders Consider Central Finance over the Short and Long Term SAP Central Finance presents organizations with an opportunity…

  9. Why Greenfield is an Option You May Not Have Considered—But Should

    Reading time: 6 mins

    By Robert Holland, VP Research, SAPinsider SAPinsider research found that 47% of those who are moving to SAP S/4HANA currently plan on performing a system conversion, while 41% plan on a new implementation. However, many organizations make this choice because they believe that their existing ECC system may be too complex, or have too much…

  10. License Compliance in the Transition to SAP S/4HANA

    Reading time: 5 mins

    By Robert Holland, VP Research, SAPinsider In order to ensure that they are fully compliant from a license perspective, many organizations err on the side of caution in their SAP user license estimates simply because they do not have enough insight into what users are doing across different systems. As there is a significant variation…