tech execs

How Tech Executives are Leading Organizational and Technology Change – CIO Benchmark Research

Reading time: 1 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Learn what separates high-performing change leaders from those who struggle with change.

⇨ Explore the key drivers of change within most SAP organizations and how leaders are leveraging automation and data to manage through the challenges that they face.

⇨ Understand why and how high performing organizations are taking a more comprehensive approach to change management that goes far deeper than leveraging soft skills and that institutionalizes change structures such as centers of excellence.

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Change has come in many forms for business and tech execs across all industries. Geopolitical events, market forces, changing consumer behavior, and commodity price fluctuations have all put various pressures on decision makers. Add to the fact that technology is rapidly evolving and transitions to new solutions such as SAP S/4HANA and the Cloud have placed numerous options and impacts on leaders’ plates.

We recently surveyed 130 executives of the SAPinsider member organizations to determine how they are digesting change and making the most out of the opportunities that have arisen.

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Download this benchmark report to:

  • Learn what separates high-performing change leaders from those who struggle with change.
  • Explore the key drivers of change within most SAP organizations and how leaders are leveraging automation and data to manage through the challenges that they face.
  • Understand why and how high performing organizations are taking a more comprehensive approach to change management that goes far deeper than leveraging soft skills and that institutionalizes change structures such as centers of excellence.
  • See what steps you can take to build an effective change management and innovation strategy that is based on sound strategy and communication.


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