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Defending Against Fraud with Descartes’ MacroPoint FraudGuard

Reading time: 3 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ The transportation sector is grappling with an increasingly severe fraud issue, manifesting in diverse and complex forms.

⇨ The financial and operational burdens stemming from fraud, such as stolen loads and unauthorized mode switching, are significant and often crippling.

⇨ Descartes’ MacroPoint FraudGuard, is a solution designed to enhance shippers’ ability to detect and manage carrier fraud effectively.

Despite increased efforts to educate and raise awareness among shipping companies about the spectrum of fraud risks—from the more recognized threats like double brokering and trailer theft to the subtler, emerging schemes—the challenges remain formidable. The financial and operational burdens stemming from fraud, such as stolen loads and unauthorized mode switching, are significant and often crippling. In response to the evolving sophistication of fraudulent schemes and the voluminous data handled in logistics, it is imperative for organizations to implement advanced monitoring and analytical tools. These technologies are crucial for detecting and preventing fraudulent activities, thus mitigating financial losses and operational interruptions.

Descartes’ MacroPoint FraudGuard, is a solution designed to enhance shippers’ ability to detect and manage carrier fraud effectively. MacroPoint FraudGuard, a feature of the multimodal visibility platform Descartes MacroPoint, analyzes billions of data points concerning freight location and shipment status to identify potential fraud. This proactive detection allows for timely interactions with carriers, increasing the likelihood of resolving issues favorably.

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