Gig Economy Is the Future of Work

Gig Economy Is the Future of Work

Reading time: 1 mins

Contributing Editor: John Yuva, SAPinsider

The gig economy is part of a broader concept referred to as the distributed workforce or remote workers who are distributed across locations outside of a traditional workplace, with gig workers representing a subset who work on specific projects or execute specific tasks for a defined period of time.

The gig worker is an employee driven by the flexibility and speed to employment that the gig economy offers. Employers also enjoy it because it cuts labor costs and allows them to respond more agilely to market demands and shifts that a business might experience. The gig economy is based on skills rather than roles, so it does span industries. In many ways, it’s redefining how roles, relationships, and resources are aligned now that employees are no longer forced into a role or position by geography, but rather selected by the skills and business objectives of the job.

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With 73% of all workplaces in the U.S. slated to have remote workers by 2028, companies are eager to support virtual collaboration to make that a reality. At the same time, there are still a few generations in the workforce. And those generational profiles value workplace flexibility, work-life balance, purposeful work that are all supported by digital tools. It’s blurring the lines between internal and external employee, and speaks to the needed shift from managing and engaging internal and external workforces separately to a more holistic total workforce management and engagement strategy.

SAPinsider sat down with Gina Nodar who is responsible for transformational change management globally at SAP, to discuss the gig economy in detail and the impact of this concept on intelligent and innovative technologies.

Watch this video and learn:
• The concepts of the gig worker and the gig economy and how the terms have evolved in the age of COVID-19;
• How the gig economy is having an impact on intelligent and innovative technologies;
• What are some misconceptions about human machine collaboration and how intelligent technologies bridge the gap between the two;
• How intelligent technologies are transforming industry ecosystems and what’s on the horizon.


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