Analyst Insights

Analyst Insights are written by SAPinsider’s research team. Based on information gleaned from surveys of the SAPinsider Community, conversations with experts, SAP employees, vendors, and SAPinsiders, Analyst Insights provide a thoughtful analysis of critical topics, technologies, and challenges that SAP customers face today.

201 results

  1. Optimizing Ecommerce Customer Experience with Digital River 

    Reading time: 5 mins

    By Ogo Nwanyanwu, Research Director, SAPinsider     Key Takeaways   Organizations executing ecommerce transactions are subject to complex cross-border compliance requirements that can vary by each local destination.   Outsourcing back-office infrastructure using a merchant of record partner can help to simplify these responsibilities and protect organizations from compliance risks and penalties.   Digital River’s Payments, Tax, Fraud & Compliance Management app in the SAP store integrates with SAP’s commerce cloud to support compliant global ecommerce transactions that align...…

  2. Building a Winning Culture For Data Analytics Excellence

    Reading time: 4 mins

    A Series on Data Excellence By Deepa Salem, Vice President and Research Director, SAPInsider “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – a quote commonly attributed to Peter Drucker, the management expert. This fact rings true today in the realm of enterprise data analytics strategy. Without a data culture that catalyzes the strategy and brings it to life, any...…

  3. Technology and Empathy

    Technology And Empathy: Creating The Link

    Reading time: 4 mins

    Disruption is a norm in the world of technology. We attribute the phenomenon of big companies being disrupted by new entrants to many aspects, like advancements in technology, emerging technologies, agility of new entrants etc. but have we explored deeply the aspect that at the core of disruptions in the world of technology is the…

  4. SAP SwoopTalent acquisition SuccessFactors

    Breaking Down SAP’s SwoopTalent Acquisition

    Reading time: 2 mins

    SAP recently acquired SwoopTalent, but not for SwoopTalent’s current go-to-market strategy. SAP intends to bring SwoopTalent’s underlying models into SAP SuccessFactors. In the article, find out: – How SAP hopes to bolster its skilling and upskilling recommentations with SwoopTalent – Why that fits into the upcoming SAP SuccessFactors Opportunity Marketplace – What this means for…

  5. Supply Chain data management

    Make 2023 The Year of Building Supply Chain Data Foundation

    Reading time: 7 mins

    As we head into the new year, you have already read many articles predicting supply chain trends for 2023. I am not a big fan of predicting trends when it comes to supply chains. My primary reasoning is that these trends are not a surprise for seasoned supply chain leaders and executives. These leaders and…

  6. data-driven

    The Three Key Ingredients of Business Analytics Solutions

    Reading time: 3 mins

    Just like marketers have struggled with the question “what does the customer want?” for eternity, analytics leaders have struggled with the question “how to build a data-driven organization?”. It is very clear at this point that the key is to inculcate the culture of data and analytics in the frontline of the organization, making them…

  7. SAP MM Spend Analytics

    Spend Analysis and SAP MM

    Reading time: 5 mins

    A wide range of business processes falls under the SAP MM (Materials Management) module, from purchasing to inventory management. Such an extensive portfolio of business processes also means much data being generated and captured. As SAPinsiders highlighted in our research reports like Process Automation and SAP S/4HANA, as well as in Process Automation in Supply…

  8. Web3.0 Inventory Management

    Web3.0 and Inventory Management

    Reading time: 6 mins

    While Web3.0 may take time to mature enough to replace Web2.0 if an end-to-end supply chain can develop an internal network based on the underlying principles of Web3.0 defined above, it can address the following challenges of inventory management (illustrative examples, not exhaustive): Information transparency: The decentralization of information between entities will help build trust…

  9. Vertex Cloud Indirect Tax image

    Anomaly Detection Algorithms in Supply Chain Analytics

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Anomaly detection algorithms do exactly what the name suggests – detect anomalies in the data. The simplest example is your body temperature. If you had a sensor measuring your body temperature, and the date is being fed to an anomaly detector in the form of time series data (like every one hour), if the temperature…

  10. Supply Chain Control Towers

    Evolving Supply Chain Control Towers

    Reading time: 3 mins

    Supply chain control towers are becoming a standard module in leading supply chain planning solutions. This specific module is marketed very prominently and, in some cases, is often marketed as THE capability required to run fully autonomous supply chains in the future. Suppose you are familiar with the features within the control tower functionality of…