Unlocking Agility with Digital Supply Chains

350 results

  1. Exploring the IoT Services Offering within SAP HCP

    Learn how the Internet of Things (IoT) Services offering within SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SAP HCP) allows users to rapidly develop IoT scenarios. Key Concept SAP Internet of Things (IoT) Services as part of SAP HANA Cloud Platform (SAP HCP) provides companies with a holistic solution for building IoT solutions that integrate with their SAP...…

  2. How to Design the Architecture and Develop an IoT Application on SAP HANA Cloud Platform

    Learn how to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) application that fetches data from a sensor and saves it on an SAP HANA database on SAP HANA Cloud Platform. Key Concept SAP HANA Cloud Platform is a platform for extending, integrating, and building new applications. It provides design templates and prebuilt applications that have responsive...…

  3. Build, Enable, and Act with SAP IoT Application Enablement, Express Edition

    The Internet of Things (IoT) offers an opportunity for organizations to digitally transform their business. To help SAP customers get started on this path, SAP offers SAP IoT Application Enablement, express edition, which allows developers to build and pilot IoT applications that can be quickly scaled through a consumption-based pricing model.  Learn how the express…

  4. SAP and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

    “I learn best by doing.” I made this claim to our Chief Research Officer, Riz Ahmed, on my first day as the new Vice President of Research at SAPinsider last week. Ten days later, I find myself writing my first blog post after already having written a full benchmark report. Keep an eye out for…

  5. Impact of Google Discontinuing Cloud IoT Core on Industry 4.0 Technology Ecosystem

    Google Cloud Platform (GCP) users using the Cloud IoT Core product offering reported receiving a communication that IoT Core has been added to the end-of-life list and will be discontinued in a year. This is a significant announcement, specifically for Industry 4.0 enthusiasts. In SAPinsider's research Modernizing Logistics and Inventory Tracking, we discussed the role…

  6. AIoT in Supply Chain Planning

    Internet of things (IoT) devices are now being used in most major supply chains in some forms, at various scales. These devices leverage the internet to collect and exchange data about supply chain activities. Cisco estimates that by 2025, there will be 42 billion IoT devices in use globally. Cisco also estimates that IoT devices…

  7. Driving New Business Value with IoT

    Hello and welcome to the SAPinsider podcast.  I am excited to be joined by Maribel Lopez.  Maribel is the founder of Lopez Research, a market research and strategy consulting firm. She’s also the co-founder of the Emerging Technology Research Council, a community of business and technical leaders in Fortune 1000 companies focused on driving innovation and...…

  8. Harness IoT and Big Data to Break Down Silos in Manufacturing

    In a digital supply chain, design, manufacturing, asset management, and finished products all come together in an uninterrupted, real-time loop to meet customer expectations for immediacy and customization. To achieve this, formerly siloed domains and processes must come closer together and become agile enough to meet individual demands. Learn how product design, manufacturing, and asset…

  9. Opportunity for IoT Based Innovation on SAP BTP

    Internet of Things (IoT) is at the core of building many intelligent enterprise capabilities, including Industry 4.0. From Mobile assets like tractors or trucks to remote assets like a drilling rig in the ocean, IoT devices capture and relay critical data that can be leveraged in many ways. For many organizations, real-time end-to-end visibility in…

  10. AIoT for Inventory Management and Planning

    There is no doubt that the AI-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) has the capability to transform the way supply chains run significantly. This is why we will cover this aspect, among others, in our November research report, Inventory Planning and Optimization State of The Market. While we predominantly think of the usage of AIoT in…