Upskilling to Enable Digital Transformation with Deutsche Telekom
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Key Takeaways
⇨ Deutsche Telekom wanted to enact a digital transformation but needed its employees to have more skills to maximize the move to SAP S/4HANA.
⇨ Using SAP Learning Hub, workers were able to gain the skills to transition multiple SAP ERP application environments.
⇨ Increasing competencies within an organization can also boost employee satisfaction and innovation.
As Europe’s largest telecommunications provider with over 242 million customers, Deutsche Telekom realized a need to stand out in its highly digitalized industry. The company decided to embark on a digital transformation. To make the most out of this journey, Deutsche Telekom knew it would require significant upskilling and enablement training for its employees. The goal was to create a learning environment and organization that would help drive digital transformation company-wide.
In this article, you will learn the tools and techniques Deutsche Telekom used to upskill its workforce and enact its digital transformation, including the broad portfolio of solutions available within SAP Training and Adoption services.