Business Challenge

The material configuration and creation process is a multi-step and multi-discipline activity that requires the input from many different teams, including but not limited to, manufacturing, environmental, engineering and logistics. Their process was utilizing outdated technology to facilitate and track the material configuration and creation process; however, the old technology proved to be difficult to adjust to the business changes and the variability in the configuration needs for various types of material requests.

Previously, the request process included all of the potentially necessary fields required across multiple material types. This resulted in requests being submitted with missing information or information populated that was not required for the material being requested. This also resulted in a manual back-and-forth processes in order to collect the necessary information for the material master team to create the requested material properly. Decisions for SAP Solutions™ will aid in the solution we found.

Approach and Discovery

Our customer needed a modern software platform that included forms, workflow, reporting, process management and a flexible rules engine to support the business without the requirement of deep technical and programming skills to achieve. In addition to the use case stated above, our customer desired a solution that supports many business processes utilizing a single platform. A single platform that will enable our customer to comprehensively streamline business processes, improve data quality, and improve response time for business needs. Our customer selected Configurable Management’s (CM) Decisions for SAP Solutions™ BPM software to solve the challenge of material product coding and move in the direction of replacing older technology with Decisions for SAP Solutions™.

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The new material master solution powered by Decisions for SAP Solutions™ streamlined the overall request process and started our customer on their journey to full control of the process which includes direct integration into SAP for the material record and associated records to be created automatically.

Future Development

Our customer’s internal resources will develop all the necessary solutions still in use in older technology and replace the functionality with Decisions for SAP™. Additionally, they will automate the material re-certification process for materials approaching certification expiration.

Company Overview

Our customer is a global company specializing in various chemical production for personal care and industrial industries.