The New Era of AI Powered Commerce – SAP’s AI capabilities for Intelligent CX

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Key Takeaways

⇨ AI is transforming the commerce landscape and is emerging as the key competitive advantage for retailers aiming for intelligent growth.

⇨ By leveraging AI-driven insights, organizations can enhance omnichannel fulfillment strategies, optimize product assortments, offer personalized recommendations, and build resilient, sustainable supply chains

⇨ With SAP’s new Generative AI capabilities for intelligent CX, organizations can bring proactive and contextual insights from relevant business data to their teams, right where they work.

Organizations are navigating a future shaped by global events and evolving consumer behaviors, raising concerns and prompting critical questions: how to boost sales without increasing overhead, ensure year-round stability in sourcing and inventory, and strengthen omnichannel brand connections in a market where customer loyalty is tied to sustainability. AI is transforming the commerce landscape, enabling organizations to achieve higher sales and stronger brand connections. From streamlining product catalog management, improving data accuracy, and delivering a more personalized shopping experience, AI is emerging as the key competitive advantage for retailers aiming for intelligent growth. By leveraging AI-driven insights, organizations can enhance omnichannel fulfillment strategies, optimize product assortments, offer personalized recommendations, and build resilient, sustainable supply chains. Companies that integrate AI into their operations will be better equipped to make informed decisions and efficiently scale their business.

The SAP CX AI Toolkit is a unified generative AI platform that leverages data from various SAP products. It is developed using proprietary AI models and fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) and is integrated into key functionalities of SAP Commerce Cloud. The toolkit offers a range of AI tools designed to automate labor-intensive tasks and swiftly analyze enterprise-wide data. SAP’s proprietary and trusted AI capabilities integrates secure data retrieval solutions and 3rd party productivity applications with context grounding, PII obfuscation, and bias prevention. This ensures that the data is handled safely before being processed by a partner LLM. SAP CX and productivity data is used to generate answers and insights; however, no customer data is stored within LLMs preventing the use of this data in training those models.

With new Generative AI capabilities for intelligent CX, organizations can bring proactive and contextual insights from relevant business data to their teams, right where they work. The toolkit optimizes catalog management and customer engagement through the following features:

Intelligent Catalog Enrichment: The SAP CX AI Toolkit employs advanced algorithms to automatically analyze product catalog images and text, assigning accurate tags to products, and enriching them with relevant metadata, making it easier for customers to discover products tailored to their preferences. This system ensures precise categorization and labeling, minimizing errors and inconsistencies.

AI-Generated Product Descriptions: Using advanced AI, retailers can automate the process of creating compelling product descriptions using AI, saving time and resources while ensuring consistency and accuracy across their product listings. The toolkit assesses product attributes to craft descriptions that not only resonate with customers but also provide essential information, thereby enhancing the purchasing experience and boosting sales.

Visual Search: The toolkit incorporates cutting-edge visual search technology, allowing customers to search for products using images rather than text. This intuitive feature enhances the shopping experience by enabling users to find exactly what they are looking for with minimal effort.

Bulk Editing: The toolkit’s bulk editing capabilities allow for the rapid and efficient updating of extensive catalogs. This feature ensures that product tags and descriptions remain relevant and current, thereby improving product visibility and coherence. By automating these labor-intensive tasks, catalog managers can focus on more strategic activities.

Learn more about the SAP CX Toolkit here.

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