Integrated Access to SAP Online and Archive Data with PBS Add-ons

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⇨ Managing significant volumes of data is an especially intricate task for enterprises especially in utilities, telecommunications, and insurance sectors.

⇨ PBS archive add-ons mimic standard SAP transactions and reports to display both archive and online data, and enable seamless access to archived application data.

⇨ These add-ons capitalize on transactional integration, enabling users to navigate directly to preceding and subsequent entries in the document flow.

Managing significant volumes of data is an especially intricate task for enterprises especially in utilities, telecommunications, and insurance sectors. These industries commonly foster multiple business interactions with their customers, leading to the necessity of storing numerous contracts per customer within their systems. This process invariably yields an immense volume of accounts and documents, culminating in substantial datasets. As a consequence, data archiving becomes indispensable over time, serving as an effective strategy to mitigate system load and enhance performance.

PBS software’s archive add-ons are designed to provide seamless, comprehensive access to both archived and active data. These add-ons capitalize on transactional integration, enabling users to navigate directly to preceding and subsequent entries in the document flow. This functional capability extends without limitations to both resident and archived data sets.

PBS archive add-ons mimic standard SAP transactions and reports to display both archive and online data, and enable seamless access to archived application data. Equipped with PBS-adapted transactions and reports, users can view and assess archived data as if it were still resident in the original SAP database and can navigate seamlessly through document chains.

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This integrated, seamless data access is essential to enable SAP customers to run their data archiving much more aggressively. The add-ons facilitate the ability to shrink the active database.

PBS archive add-ons contain several options to extract data for audit purposes and to meet legal requirements and are available for all major SAP modules and cover more than 75 SAP archiving objects. There are hundreds of archive-enabled transactions and programs presently available. Based on a modular concept, customers can select the PBS add-ons which provide the best savings potential for their business needs. Key attributes of the PBS archive add-ons include:

  • Uninterrupted and rapid data access to both SAP database and archive files.
  • Conformity with SAP standard transactions and reports, offering a 1:1 mapping.
  • Complete integration within the SAP authorization framework, complying with SAP’s GDPR recommendations.
  • Swift implementation process minimizes the need for user training.
  • Provisions for data extraction that satisfy audit specifications.
  • A scalable solution compatible with all significant SAP modules.
  • Compatibility with both SAP ERP and S/4HANA.
  • The capability to be extended to encompass analytics functionality and archive data access via Fiori Apps.

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