Harnessing Unstructured Data with BigID

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Unstructured data is everywhere and it is a major source of data breaches.

⇨ BigID specializes in exposing hidden data, mitigating significant security risks prevalent in data breaches, in the cloud or on-premises.

⇨ BigID's Hyperscan, powered by patented machine learning technology, revolutionizes data scanning by identifying crucial data with up to 95% faster efficiency.

The digital world is rapidly changing, presenting both vast opportunities and challenges. A major concern is managing and protecting unstructured data, which makes up about 80-90% of today’s data. While structured data, like databases, has traditionally been the focus of security, the rise of generative AI, which relies on unstructured data, brings new risks. Organizations need to improve how they handle and secure unstructured data, ensuring AI systems like chatGPT don’t access sensitive or regulated information.

Unstructured data is everywhere and often leads to rapid growth and increased risks. This kind of data is a major source of data breaches, a security risk, but also a potential goldmine for business insights. Thus, securing unstructured data is vital. However, handling the immense volume of unstructured data hinges on clarity and oversight. It is essential to pinpoint sensitive and regulated data, comprehend its contents, track accessibility, and implement rigorous controls for protection. With tools that BigID offers, businesses can efficiently safeguard their unstructured data, ensuring broad and detailed coverage.

Considering unstructured data’s value, magnitude, and vulnerability, the following core capabilities offered by BigID can enable organizations to manage their unstructured data:

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Intelligent scanning. BigID’s Hyperscan, powered by patented machine learning technology, revolutionizes scanning by identifying crucial data with upto 95% faster efficiency. This allows organizations to boost accuracy, uncover concealed patterns, and conserve valuable time and resources.

Find and shadow dark data: The foundation of protection is awareness. Dark data, often lurking unnoticed, poses major security threats. Organizations must efficiently locate, recognize, and catalog both known and unknown data. BigID solutions unveil hidden data, mitigate significant security risks prevalent in data breaches, whether it’s in the cloud or on-premises.

Maintain stateful inventory: In today’s rapidly changing data landscape, having an updated inventory is paramount. BigID streamlines this by maintaining a dynamic inventory, effortlessly scanning for fresh data, saving time and ensuring organizations always have a clear picture of their data, both in the cloud and on-premises.

AI classification: Using advanced AI, organizations can efficiently identify, categorize, manage, and safeguard their most critical data, from customer IDs to sensitive data combinations and intellectual property.

  • Contextual Classifiers based on NLP: BigID enables organizations to use customizable NLP classifiers that automatically distinguishes a homonym.
  • Identity-aware classification: BigID uses graph technology to connect identity data, recognizing connected elements like a name + social security number + customer ID = all the same person. This renders accurate results and comprehensive classification.
  • Toxic combos & compound classification: BigID can look for a credit card number and a social security number in the same place: identifying toxic combinations to better secure data.
  • Duplicate data: BigID leverages ML-driven cluster analysis to automatically find duplicate, similar, and redundant data to automatically minimize the sensitive data.

BigID’s solutions are more than just tools; they revolutionize data management. Boasting next-gen features like Hyperscan, stateful inventories, and AI-driven classifications, BigID enables organizations to transform today’s intricate data landscapes and ensures meticulous handling of both structured and unstructured data, cementing its place as a cornerstone in modern cybersecurity.

The article is based on BigID’s Guide titled “The Ultimate Guide to Harnessing Unstructured Data

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