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Accelerated SAP S/4HANA Greenfield Implementation with Int4

Reading time: 2 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ SAP S/4HANA enables organizations to re-engineer processes and improve decision-making to align with operational needs and optimize business workflows.

⇨ According to recent SAPinsider research, 39% of companies' implementation complexities prevent them from transitioning to SAP S/4HANA.

⇨ Through simulation, Int4 Messenger allows most SAP business process testing to be done independently which speeds up processes in SAP S/4HANA projects, improves quality, and minimizes unnecessary coordination efforts.

Organizations need cloud capabilities and advanced ERP systems like SAP S/4HANA to achieve scalability and gain competitive advantage. These systems use in-memory computing and advanced analytical capabilities that enable organizations to re-engineer processes and improve decision-making to align with operational needs and optimize business workflows.

The SAP S/4HANA implementation approach to be used for each company varies based on its unique needs. Some companies could be new to SAP and require a from-scratch, Greenfield approach. Others may require a gradual, Brownfield or Bluefield approach.

In particular, Greenfield implementation can be complex and may result in increased downtime due to multiple systems, integrations, and data, especially in the absence of end-to-end guidance from an experienced systems integrator. According to recent SAPinsider research, 39% of companies’ implementation complexities prevent them from transitioning to SAP S/4HANA, in addition to longer project timelines (37%).

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Setting up and maintaining multiple corresponding third-party test systems delays the main SAP S/4HANA project and may increase costs. While testing is a significant part of SAP S/4HANA implementation, automation can be used to speed up this process.

Int4’s SAP S/4HANA Greenfield implementation allow organizations to speed up the testing phases and increase the quality of development and SAP S/4HANA configuration to deliver the project on time and within budget. INT4 Messenger eliminates the need to increase the number of third-party test systems for the purpose of matching the number of SAP test landscapes for a Greenfield SAP S/4HANA implementation. By simulating third-party systems or partners, Int4 Messenger allows most SAP business process testing to be done independently which speeds up processes in SAP S/4HANA projects, improves quality, and minimizes unnecessary coordination efforts.

It ensures continuity of operations in SAP S/4HANA implementation projects without interruption. Additionally, Int4 Messenger can reuse historical electronic messages stored in integration platforms with SAP S/4HANA in other test environments. This minimizes the need for coordinating all third-party systems and builds a more efficient SAP landscape. Automated input response messages enable quick testing of integrated business processes.

Through these advanced features Int4 Messenger helps with efficient and accelerated implementation of SAP S/4HANA with minimal time to value, least possible downtime and companies can stay within budget.

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