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Improve your Employee Experience, Improve your Bottom Line

Reading time: 4 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ High employee turnover in wholesale distribution highlights the need for improved recruitment and retention strategies, with a focus on streamlining complex onboarding processes.

⇨ Modernizing legacy ERP systems with solutions like DataXstream's OMS+ can drastically reduce new employee training time, eliminate repetitive tasks, and enhance order accuracy, leading to better employee satisfaction and retention.

⇨ Implementing OMS+ not only reduces onboarding time and increases order processing efficiency but also enhances customer relationships by providing real-time data visibility and faster response times, ultimately improving overall business performance.

The past year has seen historic levels of job churn. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.3 million people in this country quit their jobs in December 2021, which was slightly less than the 4.5 million that quit in November 2021. The bottom line is that employee recruitment and retention are major concerns in nearly every industry, but especially for wholesale distributors who are still reeling from a post-pandemic environment that has left their industry struggling to find workers.

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