Future of the Digital CFO

Future of the Digital CFO

How to become an Architect of Value, Change, and Resilience

Reading time: 1 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ A closer look into how staff shortages are affecting how CFOs perform their jobs

⇨ CFO as an architect: A 3-step blueprint for becoming a more impactful leader

⇨ Why automation is a CFO's best friend

The era of digital acceleration is here, and finance’s role in this seismic shift is beginning to become clearer. In just the last five years, the number of financial leaders responsible for their companies’ digital activities has more than tripled.

However, digital adoption alone is not a silver bullet. COVID’s initial shock forced many organizations to expedite or even improvise their digital initiatives without a clear vision or strategy beyond short-term survival.

Now, as we emerge from this period of significant disruption and transformation, it is time for CFOs to not only rethink the viability, sustainability and ROI of existing digital investments, but to create a stronger, more strategic financial roadmap.

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If the last two years are any indication, the future is something that’s impossible to predict — but we can prepare for it. It is therefore incumbent on CFOs to identify and embrace their newly expanding roles within the enterprise. Financial leaders must be leaders beyond the balance sheet and reassert themselves as the architects of value, change and resilience their companies need to sustain long-term growth.

Download and read this ebook by Emmanuel Olivier, CEO at Esker, about how to become an architect of value, change, and resilience.

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