A.O. Smith Reduces SAP System Refresh Time by 72% Using Data Sync Manager

A.O. Smith Reduces SAP System Refresh Time by 72% Using Data Sync Manager

Reading time: 1 min

Key Takeaways

⇨ A.O. Smith faced challenges with their rapidly growing SAP database and inefficient copy tool, causing delays and errors in system refreshes.

⇨ Implementing EPI-USE Labs' Data Sync Manager (DSM) provided A.O. Smith with a faster, automated, and more consistent system refresh process, reducing downtime and improving data security.

⇨ The DSM solution enabled A.O. Smith to meet deadlines, streamline testing, handle ad-hoc business requests efficiently, and achieve a positive return on investment.

Data Sync Manager (DSM) gives A.O. Smith a streamlined, simplified testing process. Learn more with EPI-USE Labs.




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