5 Lessons from SAP Change and Transport Management

5 Lessons from SAP Change and Transport Management

Reading time: 1 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ By adhering to these practices, organizations can minimize the risk of disruptions and ensure the smooth operation of their SAP systems.

⇨ Manual processes for handling SAP transport requests can lead to long delays, errors, and inefficiencies due to the extensive reliance on email communication and manual approval steps.

⇨ Reduce manual tasks.

In order to make classic SAP processes completely fit for the future in times of digitalization, one aspect is essential: the ability to drive new developments agilely and quickly, to react promptly to requirements and to implement changes as quickly as possible. To achieve this, companies are increasingly relying on DevOps for SAP. They are hoping for greater added value in their corporate IT and a significantly faster development process. Users should be provided with updates, optimizations and innovations more quickly and without
restrictions in ongoing operations. However, this new level of release speed and agility poses major challenges for many companies. To avoid mishaps, you should therefore keep the following 5 pitfalls in mind…


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