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1293 results

  1. Data Owner Responsibilities and Characteristics

    Reading time: 31 mins

    Authored by Vinod Reddy, Data Migration and SAP MM Techno Functional Consultant, Utopia, Inc.   Every enterprise will definitely have the objective to improve efficiency and effectiveness in managing data. Efficiency will result in minimizing the cost of administering data and effectiveness will result in maximizing the data quality. From my perspective, a data owner should...…

  2. Federated Vs. Centeralized Vs. De-centeralized Data warehouse

    Reading time: 2 mins

    — by Dr. Berg Last fall I was speaking at an SAP conference in Australia and was asked what the realistic options were for developing EDWs. After 20 years in this field, I strongly believe that there are only three real options: Federated, Centralized or De-centeralized architectures. And in this blog, I will outline the major differences, issues and benefits of...…

  3. Customizing your SoD rule set, what’s the big deal?

    Reading time: 2 mins

    As I’m finishing up my research for the upcoming GRC 2010 Europe event in Barcelona this November, and just about to kick off the research for our GRC 2011 event next March, I’m noticing there seems to be a lot of buzz surrounding the importance in customizing your SoD rule set and questions on how...…