Analyst Insights

Analyst Insights are written by SAPinsider’s research team. Based on information gleaned from surveys of the SAPinsider Community, conversations with experts, SAP employees, vendors, and SAPinsiders, Analyst Insights provide a thoughtful analysis of critical topics, technologies, and challenges that SAP customers face today.

922 results

  1. Louis Richardson

    Gain Key Insights to Effectively Communicate Your Technology Projects

    While the complexities of technology can be challenging enough, sometimes the need to effectively communicate about these complex initiatives, to convey the importance and value of your projects, in ways that people across the organization can understand, can be even more important. Being able to convey the significance of your vision, strategy or solution, is...…

  2. Displays pieces of a puzzle

    Unlock Data’s Value in SAP Integration Programs

    Reading time: 8 mins

    SAP system integrations go beyond SAP – 90% of organizations support non-SAP to SAP integration, while only 78% perform SAP to SAP integration, according to SAPinsider research. This means that when defining a data integration strategy, organizations need to prepare to work with data in both their SAP systems and non-SAP systems. Unlocking the full…

  3. SAP Expert Hari Sonnenahalli

    Key Insights to Achieve Digital Transformation for Your Enterprise

    Achieving the digital transformation for an enterprise is becoming increasingly important, but how can this be achieved? What are the key steps for an enterprise to accomplish digital transformation? Join us as SAP Expert Hari Sonnenahalli answers your questions – including how are data integration strategies central in facilitating digital transformation, and what resources can…

  4. Pioneer in SAP Training Shares Insights About How Professionals Learn Today

    Reading time: 2 mins

    It is human nature to be curious. In the business world, this innate interest often translates into professional development. Learn about today’s SAP training trends.

  5. RISE with SAP on APEX

    Automated Machine Learning in the Cloud

    Reading time: 8 mins

    Automated machine learning tools have evolved into the democratization of data science. They now include a broader scope, encompassing the automation of the entire data-to-insights pipeline — from cleaning data to tuning algorithms through feature selection and creation, even operationalization. And now, with the advent of the cloud, the case of AutoML has become much…

  6. Clovity

    Fortifying Data Protection with NextLabs: Insights from Four Industry Leaders

    Reading time: 5 mins

    The increasing complexity of digital environments makes traditional manual detection and response methods both inefficient and costly. This calls for a shift to an automate & prevent strategy to improve security more effectively. NextLabs has proven its capability to protect highly sensitive data through effective deployments at major corporations such as Boeing, Deutsche Telekom, Fiserv,…

  7. Building Teams image

    Leveraging Data Connection Gateways to Harness Full Value from Analytics Investments

    Reading time: 7 mins

    By Kumar Singh, Research Director, Automation & Analytics, SAPinsider   The critical role of analytics in digital transformation Organizations today are rapidly evolving into mathematical corporations, driven by analytics and technology. Fueled by an explosion in data, they are making strategic as well as day-to-day decisions based on insights generated by this data. Hence, it…

  8. Insights on migration to SAP S/4HANA in a hybrid world

    Many SAP customers are utilizing the transition to SAP S/4HANA to drive digital transformation, customer experiences, and business processes. But customers need immediate access to their data, regardless of where it is located, so they can streamline business operations and enhance customer support. The journey to SAP S/4HANA is neither easy nor quick. The time…

  9. Elevating Insights: Moving Data and Analytics to the Cloud

    June 15, 2021

    Data management, data warehousing and analytics are all moving to the cloud — and opening up new opportunities. In this interactive session, we’ll address the business imperatives for adapting your data architectures to the platforms of the future, with tips on how to overcome common barriers to successful transitions. We will cover a variety of…

  10. VIVA Leisure “From Monthly Reports to Insightful Analytics in Minutes”

    Reading time: 4 mins

    Australian-based health club Viva Leisure stays on top of reporting demands and business performance with Phocas.