SAP Enterprise Architect
SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer | SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework | SAP Enterprise Architecture Tools | SAP Platform Architecture
What is an SAP Enterprise Architect?
Enterprise Architects are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of an organization’s IT networks and services. This includes overseeing, improving, and upgrading enterprise services, software, and hardware, but one of the key parts of the role is in mapping how business processes correspond with infrastructure and software that the business uses. But there is also a need to understand the problems that a business faces, collect data on it, and then use that knowledge to identify solutions and communicate that clearly across the organization.
What is an SAP Enterprise Architect?
Enterprise Architects are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of an organization’s IT networks and services. This includes overseeing, improving, and upgrading enterprise services, software, and hardware, but one of the key parts of the role is in mapping how business processes correspond with infrastructure and software that the business uses. But there is also a need to understand the problems that a business faces, collect data on it, and then use that knowledge to identify solutions and communicate that clearly across the organization.
An SAP Enterprise Architect is an expert in SAP solutions who sets and manages the organization’s SAP landscape based on required business processes. SAP Enterprise Architects have a specialized knowledge of SAP technology and solutions, and so are able to create an SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework basked on their organization’s need and specific structure. They are responsible for envisioning, communicating, and evolving the IT landscape for both SAP solutions and those that they are interconnected with across the organization.
An SAP Enterprise Architect will leverage different capabilities as they perform their role within the organization. This includes:
- Creating a enterprise architecture using the SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework.
- Using SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer to visualize the architecture framework and map the business and process flows across the enterprise.
- Leveraging other SAP Enterprise Architecture Tools to map dependencies and relationships across models, capabilities, people, processes, data, information, and applications.
- Working closely with other architects to bring together the SAP Enterprise Architecture and technology architectures in a comprehensive SAP Platform Architecture.
To better allow SAP Enterprise Architects to perform their roles, SAP has created several openSAP courses to put their technology into a business context. An example of these are Enterprise Architecture in the Era of the Intelligent Enterprise and An Enterprise Architect’s View on SAP Business Technology Platform.
SAPinsider has run events specifically for the SAP Enterprise Architect such as the SAP Enterprise Architect Virtual Global Summit. These provide technology and business-focused sessions designed to specifically help architects understand how new and changing SAP solutions will impact their organizations in the future.
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