Evolving Supply Chain Control Towers

Evolving Supply Chain Control Towers

Reading time: 3 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Supply chain control towers are becoming a standard module in leading supply chain planning solutions. This specific module is marketed very prominently and, in some cases, is often marketed as the capability required to run fully autonomous supply chains in the future.

⇨ Still, in its current state, these modules do not have what is needed to build autonomous supply chains. Supply chain control towers today are very planning-heavy, whereas to run autonomous supply chains, you need to integrate the tactical supply chain aspects deeply into these modules.

⇨ This is where the need for the evolution of supply chain control towers comes into play.

Supply chain control towers are becoming a standard module in leading supply chain planning solutions. This specific module is marketed very prominently and, in some cases, is often marketed as THE capability required to run fully autonomous supply chains in the future. Suppose you are familiar with the features within the control tower functionality of any leading supply chain planning solution. In that case, you know that they are currently not close to what is needed to run a fully autonomous supply chain. In this article, we will discuss the kind of integration a supply chain control tower, one that can help control, plan, and run a fully autonomous supply chain, needs.

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