The secret weapon to minimize your SAP S/4HANA code correction

The secret weapon to minimize your SAP S/4HANA code correction

Reading time: 1 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ Understand how to automatically fix custom code to satisfy remediation requirements when migrating to S/4HANA.

⇨ Learn how developers can identify and submit automatic code corrections.

⇨ Improve the cost and speed of your S/4HANA conversion project.

One of the challenges companies face on their journey to S/4HANA is the need to remediate custom code. Determining which customizations need to be fixed and adapting them accordingly is an expensive, and time-consuming process. Luckily, manual updates are not the only option. Automatic code fixes can lead to measurable cost-savings and a significant decrease in the manual development effort required.

Hear from Panaya Principal Solution Engineer, Ian Verhaegen, as he discusses how to:

  • Eliminate migration risk by knowing exactly what will break, what to fix, and what to test in just 48 hours
  • Reduce code remediation efforts by automatically solving it while down-scoping testing based on actual usage.
  • Increase ROI and save up to 50% of your code correction tasks.

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