Process Automation and SAP S/4HANA Benchmark Research

Reading time: 1 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Learn about why process automation solutions are becoming strategic solutions in the eyes of SAPinsders

⇨ Explore the challenges that SAPinsiders are facing on the path to developing these capabilities

⇨ Understand the evolution by exploring what has changed during the last two years

Process Automation and SAP S/4HANA Benchmark Research

In This Report:

Process automation technologies have increasingly evolved into strategic solutions during the last few years. While the focus in the initial years was primarily on achieving cost reduction, process visibility and employee productivity have increasingly become important objectives now for deploying these solutions. This highlights that these tools have evolved into a strategic solution, increasingly being augmented by more and more advanced technologies like process intelligence and cognitive automation. These advances in process automation technology are also playing a key role in making it a strategic solution since these technologies significantly enhance the capabilities of these solutions, beyond plain automation. Therefore, it is not surprising that this capability emerged as the top strategic imperative in our latest CIO agenda report.

But as these solutions become strategic, the opportunities and challenges associated with deploying these solutions also grow in complexity. There is a plethora of aspects that those embarking on this journey, need to consider and analyze. What are the business imperatives that drive the need for these solutions? What are the technologies available and which of these are a good fit for the unique nuances of a specific organization? What are the best practices being adopted by those who have best-in-class capabilities in this area? What are the challenges they have encountered?

  • Learn about why process automation solutions are becoming strategic solutions in the eyes of SAPinsders
  • Explore the challenges that SAPinsiders are facing on the path to developing these capabilities
  • Understand the evolution by exploring what has changed during the last two years
  • See what steps you can take to leverage process automation as a strategic solution


SAPinsider Process Automation 2022

Download the third annual edition of the SAPinsider process automation and SAP S/4HANA benchmark report to gain insights, see top strategies, and learn best practices from over 115 members of the SAPinsider community.


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