Evolving Business Intelligence and Analytics – Research Report 2024

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Key Takeaways

⇨ The business intelligence landscape has rapidly evolved, emphasizing artificial intelligence, data science, self-service applications, and cloud-based technologies.

⇨ This evolution reflects the ongoing digital transformation of the business world, underscoring the importance of staying agile and adaptive in an ever-changing landscape.

⇨ To provide insights and understanding related to SAP customers’ business intelligence practices and identify the key factors driving their organization’s business intelligence strategy, SAPinsider surveyed 144 business and IT leaders overseeing business intelligence data analytics from April to June of 2024.

Organizations are grappling with a flood of data from diverse sources, requiring advanced tools and strategies for efficient management and optimization. To adapt to evolving business environments, companies are redefining their business intelligence (BI) strategies by incorporating AI, data science, self-service applications, and cloud technologies. An SAPinsider survey of 144 business and IT leaders underscored the growing importance of BI in driving data-driven decisions, optimizing operations, and improving customer experiences. Agility in response to global changes was a key driver for 45% of respondents, with a slight increase in focus on ROI for technology investments to 35%. Despite a slight decline in expectations for cross-enterprise BI, there is still strong demand for integrated data management solutions. The survey also highlighted a shift towards proactive, real-time decision-making, with greater emphasis on empowering both C-suite and line-of-business stakeholders to align decisions with strategic goals and enhance agility.

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