How AI Can Maximize the Value of Your CX Solution

How AI Can Maximize the Value of Your CX Solution

Reading time: 2 mins

Meet the Authors

  • Giacomo Lee

    Editor-in-chief, SAPinsider Magazine, Editorial Director, SAPinsider, WIS

Key Takeaways

⇨ SAP's Customer Experience (CX) AI Toolkit aims to enhance customer interactions by leveraging AI for personalized shopping experiences, including conversational AI shopping assistants and automated product image generation.

⇨ Drawing on data, shoppers can receive accurate product information and personalized recommendations on sites powered by SAP Commerce Cloud.

⇨ The SAP CX AI Toolkit will also offer an AI expert recommendations feature, to help identify experts within an organization equipped with the answers and insights needed

Anyone charting ERP and enterprise tech will have noticed the rise of generative AI (GenAI) announcements from vendors across the spectrum. They may have also struggled with understanding what’s exactly on offer to end users and how it benefits them. It’s all about walking the walk, not just talking the talk – and use cases have sadly been a continual issue in many vendors’ AI pronouncements. As recent research from SAPinsider president Riz Ahmed has reported, ERP users are at times left bemused by the AI proposition.

“Executives talk about CEOs and boards who are pressuring them to show maturity and experience in AI,” Ahmed noted. “However, many are still struggling to assemble a business case as well as the right skills and technology to support AI.”

But an area where GenAI is easily visible for obvious business wins can be seen in the CX and CRM space. Take SAP Customer Experience (SAP CX), for example. SAPinsiders may remember our previous coverage of the SAP CX AI toolkit. As announced at SAP Sapphire, the SAP CX AI toolkit is a stand-alone app that works with and brings in additional AI capabilities to SAP Commerce Cloud, SAP Service Cloud, and SAP Sales Cloud. As part of the toolkit, data is leveraged from the three platforms to help users maximise the value of their CX solution, with GenAI helping to draw insights, create relevant content, and also answer user’s questions.

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Maximizing the value of CX with AI

SAP has promised the SAP CX AI Toolkit will introduce new AI features to enhance customer interactions by the end of 2024. As the year rumbles on, it’s worth digging into this to see AI in action, as opposed to something more vague and hypothetical. 

For example, expect enhanced customer interactions as an AI shopping assistant allows customers to ask questions using everyday conversational language – in other words, the hard-to-miss chat power of GenAI at work.

Drawing on data, shoppers can receive accurate product information and personalized recommendations on sites powered by SAP Commerce Cloud. Consumers should, in essence, be able to find products faster and improve their overall shopping experience, ensuring a brand of customer loyalty that becomes more fickle by the day in today’s retail landscape.

Also watch out for a new image creation feature, where natural language prompts generate new product images, at a significantly lower rate of production than usual. The SAP CX AI Toolkit will also offer an AI expert recommendations feature, to help identify experts within your organization equipped with the answers and insights you’re searching for. This could mean an end to browsing through countless emails and organizational charts – and who doesn’t want that?

As SAP AI continues to evolve through SAP’s platforms, it’ll be interesting to see how SAP CX users react – keep an eye on SAPinsider for the latest in our AI research reports as we keep track of SAP user sentiment in this unfolding age of generative AI.

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