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Bring Out Your Best by Integrating SAP and Jira – REALTECH Shows How

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⇨ With the end of mainstream maintenance for SAP Solution Manager (SolMan) approaching in 2027, organizations face challenges in managing change requests but are presented with an opportunity to streamline their Change Management processes.

⇨ REALTECH offers SmartChange, an SAP Change and Transport Management add-on that enables seamless integration of SAP change management with ITSM platforms like Atlassian Jira, allowing for reduced workload and increased data quality.

⇨ SmartChange can be implemented rapidly in under five days, eliminating the need for extensive project plans and high consultancy fees, thus preparing SAP customers for the transition away from SolMan.

Considering that the end of mainstream maintenance of SAP Solution Manager (SolMan) is scheduled for the end of 2027, it has never been a better time to pack up your bags and move on to a different solution. However, for many SAP customers, this may not be an easy option because of uncertainty around handling their SAP change request going forward.

Yet, this moment can also be seen as an opportunity to streamline your Change Management processes. This is especially the case for those SAP customers who use an ITSM platform like Atlassian Jira and might want to move their SAP change management there.

With this in mind, vendors like REALTECH, an IT service management company, offer solutions that aim to enable seamless integration of SAP change management into platforms like Jira. With its SAP Change and Transport Management add-on SmartChange, REALTECH offers a bi-directional interface between SAP and Jira. According to the vendor, by integrating SAP directly with Jira, users can avoid unnecessary disruptions and prevent human errors during manual data alignment.

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Certified by SAP, the integration solution is designed to simplify the release and approval processes and ensure audit-proof documentation across system boundaries. This way, it helps to accelerate SAP users’ release cycles, increase process and data quality and, consequently, achieve reduced workload.

In terms of the change management process, while SAP ChaRM has served as a foundational tool for SAP SolMan, it requires a long time to be implemented and equates to the frames of a big project. In contrast, REALTECH’s SmartChange can be fully operational in less than five days, making complex project plans and high consultancy fees unnecessary. The obvious added benefit is that utilizing this solution also allows SAP customers to be optimally prepared for the upcoming end of maintenance of SAP SolMan.

Additionally, SmartChange’s transport integration for Jira allows customers to use preconfigured workflows to automate routine tasks, process-integrated quality checks to avoid typical risks in SAP transport management and automated retrofitting to synchronize their SAP development systems.

All these features and benefits will be explored in more detail by Torsten Thal, Senior Consultant at REALTECH, in a webinar “SAP Change Management after Solution Manager”  on October 30. Discussing how organizations could efficiently balance change management processes, the webinar will explore the most common challenges users experience and the benefits of SAP-ITSM integration, as well as provide a live demonstration that will allow attendees to experience the effects of integration firsthand.

So, if you are standing at the crossroads of uncertainty not knowing in which direction to go with your change management, consider opting for a solution that could help integrate your complex applications for a seamless experience and flow of operations. By attending REALTECH’s webinar, you will get an opportunity to assess the options for your business case and potentially pave your way toward innovation, growth and progress.

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