What is Extended Planning and Analysis (xP&A)?
Meet the Experts
Key Takeaways
⇨ xP&A is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, facilitating the management of budgets, plans, and forecasts.
⇨ SAP helps supports the xP&A process by integrating all SAP applications.
⇨ xP&A provides a unified platform for data access facilitating the real-time flow of information and empowers businesses and finance teams to make better decisions.
Financial professionals have taken on an increased role in the planning process, as many companies face difficult economic conditions and changing consumer preferences. One powerful tool that many of these businesses rely on is Extended Planning & Analysis (xP&A).
xP&A provides a unified platform for data access facilitating the real-time flow of information and empowers businesses and finance teams to make better decisions. Finance becomes the quarterback guaranteeing that all departments work together efficiently and effectively.
In this article, SAP’s Pras Chatterjee walks you through the ins and outs of xP&A and how it facilitates the management of budgets, plans, and forecasts. You will also read about how SAP helps supports the xP&A process by integrating all SAP applications.