Key Considerations for SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud

Reading time: 11 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Choosing an ERP solution for any business is an intricate task, necessitating thorough discussions and evaluations, especially in today's digital era where cloud-based solutions are rapidly gaining prominence.

⇨ Customer should ensure that SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud ERP can handle all their current business processes or improvise them.

⇨ Engaging both SAP and the implementation partner from the outset of the ERP selection process is crucial for accurate insights.

Choosing an ERP solution for any business is an intricate task, necessitating thorough discussions and evaluations, especially in today’s digital era where cloud-based solutions are rapidly gaining prominence. The distinction between cloud ERP and its on-premises counterpart is vast, and understanding these nuances is pivotal. To navigate the complexities and ensure that the selected solution aligns well with the business requirements, it’s imperative to ask specific, directed questions. For instance: Who is responsible for the operational hardware? How flexible is the Cloud ERP in terms of customization? How is the responsibility matrix (RACI) shared among the customer, the implementation partner, and SAP? Can enhancements like BADI’s, synonymous with on-premises solutions, be applied to the cloud version?

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