Transforming Infrastructure by Accelerating KVM Virtualization
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Key Takeaways
⇨ The hypervisor market is growing, allowing businesses to reduce IT costs and enhance operational efficiency by virtualizing and consolidating software landscapes, which leads to better resource management and live migration capabilities.
⇨ Collaboration between Intel, SUSE, and Fujitsu has resulted in the PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes solution, offering a comprehensive management framework that streamlines SAP workloads and significantly reduces infrastructure costs, while also supporting large-scale VM management.
⇨ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is the preferred OS for SAP workloads, providing a reliable platform for deploying SAP applications, including SAP HANA, while integrating hypervisor technology and enterprise-grade management solutions to improve operational cost management.
The hypervisor market is rapidly evolving, enabling businesses to reduce IT costs and enhance operational efficiency through virtualization, with solutions like Fujitsu’s PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes and partnerships among Intel, SUSE, and Fujitsu providing scalable, cost-effective management for SAP workloads.