T-Systems Introduces MAX4SAP to Streamline Process Mapping During the Move to SAP S/4HANA

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⇨ According to SAPinsider research, two in five of those moving to SAP S/4HANA are doing so because of the opportunity to re-engineer processes to better fit operational needs or correct poor configurations from a previous ERP implementation.

⇨ In a move to SAP S/4HANA, this can lead to uncertainty as to which activity should take precedence.

⇨ To help address this challenge the MAX4SAP template from T-Systems is intended to assist those moving to SAP S/4HANA to flexibly replicate both standard and individual processes.

According to SAPinsider research, two in five of those moving to SAP S/4HANA are doing so because of the opportunity to re-engineer processes to better fit operational needs or correct poor configurations from a previous ERP implementation. Both of these objectives align with the overall goal of standardization. This is because standardized frameworks, models, and processes can mean less work and lower costs, but also provides the ability for organizations to streamline and accelerate updates.

However, organizations must balance the desire for standardization with the need to maintain the key capabilities that make them unique. In a move to SAP S/4HANA this can lead to uncertainty as to which activity should take precedence. To help address this challenge the MAX4SAP template from T-Systems is intended to assist those moving to SAP S/4HANA to flexibly replicate both standard and individual processes.

MAX4SAP is a template which follows industry specific best practices and pre-assembled master data for this purpose. MAX4SAP has a unique, modular design where customers have the option to choose which process steps, they want to replicate according to the template and which ones to customize according to the needs of the company.

MAX4SAP consists of more than 40 end-to-end processes and over 150 modular processes. With special focus in manufacturing and automotive industries, MAX4SAP includes procedures like Order-to-Cash, Purchase-to-Pay and Plan-to-Inventory. The first step in the transition process is analyzing the company’s current IT and SAP architecture and identifying the specific needs. As part of MAX4SAP, SAP experts from T-Systems design an end-to-end process, based on technical and business needs assessments. MAX4SAP helps companies reduce migration time by 30% in exploration, or needs assessment, and design stages.

MAX4SAP includes SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM), Inventory Management (MM-IM), and Stock Room Management (StRM) which are suitable for large plants. T-Systems tailors this solution to be suitable for the requirements of smaller plants on a case-by-case basis, which makes the whole offering very flexible. In addition, 33% improvement can be achieved in operations through availability of real time data and reduced downtime.

Organizations moving to SAP S/4HANA need to plan for the potential challenges as well as be able to measure the benefits of that move. The same can be achieved through the expert guidance of SAP experts at T-Systems and by using MAX4SAP to successfully move to SAP S/4HANA in an efficient manner with minimum downtime.

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