RISE with SAP – Customized Cloud Deployment with CNT Management Consulting’s Expertise

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Cloud based solutions provide significant advantages over and above on-premises models including benefits such as improved security, higher performance, and faster application deployment.

⇨ For existing SAP ERP customers there are two choices on how to move forward – RISE with SAP or an AnyPremise license for SAP S/4HANA.

⇨ CNT Management Consulting, an SAP system integrator enables efficient implementation through CNT #rise2S4 package.

Updating infrastructure by moving to the cloud provides organizations with a more flexible and scalable environment and helps increase operational efficiency. Cloud based solutions provide significant advantages over and above on-premises models including benefits such as improved security, higher performance, and faster application deployment. Advanced ERP systems from SAP like SAP S/4HANA Cloud are instrumental in helping businesses streamline business operations, increase coordination, and draw business insights through real-time data analysis.

For existing SAP ERP customers there are two choices on how to move forward – RISE with SAP or an AnyPremise license for SAP S/4HANA. RISE with SAP provides a unique private cloud solution, delivering the customization and control capabilities required by large enterprises, all managed within SAP’s robust infrastructure. Although there was initially an SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition option available within the RISE with SAP framework, SAP now focuses RISE with SAP on SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition. An AnyPremise license provides traditional control over systems and data. GROW with SAP offers pre-configured, rapid-to-deploy solutions suitable for less complex environments and is available to net-new ERP customers only.

RISE with SAP utilizes a single-tenant platform-as-a-service (PaaS) approach, unlike GROW with SAP which follows a standard multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) model and manages both software and infrastructure. The PaaS approach enables businesses to develop and manage their applications without having to maintain the underlying infrastructure. It offers the convenience of cloud services while also providing greater control over the environment.

RISE with SAP enables customization capabilities so that organizations can adapt the system to meet their requirements, although these are not as extensive as a traditional ERP deployment. IT operations are more streamlined, and costs are reduced as management of updates, security, and maintenance are taken care of by SAP. This allows businesses to focus more on their core operations. Operating on a subscription basis, RISE with SAP combines various services and software into one contract with predictable costs, potentially providing greater cost efficiency. RISE with SAP also offers robust security and compliance capabilities that achieve a high level of protection for confidential SAP systems and important data.

For successful cloud deployment, a well-defined project plan with clear timelines has to be defined. CNT Management Consulting, a leading SAP system integrator enables efficient implementation through CNT #rise2S4 package. This helps companies to streamline the implementation, reduce delays, and minimize disruption to business operations.

CNT Management Consulting’s team of SAP experts works with companies to form tailor-made deployment plans and execution time, with accelerated time-to-value. This process involves the following four steps.

  1. Needs Assessment: An assessment of current ERP status and capabilities.
  2. Quality Assurance and Development conversion: All interfaces are examined in the test environment.
  3. Going live: Production environment conversion and final check-ups.
  4. Company becomes ready to uncover new process cycles and innovations.

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