Case Study: How Stonebranch’s Universal Automation Center Drives Business

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Organizations should leverage automation to save time on repetitive functions.

⇨ Stonebranch can help companies infuse automation throughout their organization with their Universal Automation Center.

⇨ The UAC can be deployed simply and without disruption to ongoing functions.

Automation is a hot-button topic in the SAP world. Companies are beginning to realize the benefits of automating and standardizing certain repetitive manual processes to save time and reduce errors. However, not all organizations are fully aware of the capabilities and limitations of what automation can do for their business.

To demonstrate the powers of automation, we are taking a look at the Universal Automation Center from IT orchestration and automation solutions provider Stonebranch. They were able to help a client replace its burdensome legacy workload automation system with a modern, scalable and secure automation solution.

Case Study: Expedia

Well-known travel brand Expedia has offered users full-service vacation and travel packages for more than 25 years. Recently, the company realized that it needed to upgrade its workload automation system. The system Expedia used was built on an outdated platform with an outdated licensing scheme and a cumbersome client.

Expedia needed better self-service capabilities to deliver value, yet the prospect of updating its software seemed time-intensive and costly at the outset. It turned to Stonebranch and its Universal Automation Center to help address the issue.

Despite their initial concerns, the transition to Stonebranch went smoothly, and Expedia was able to handle 90% of the transition internally because of the simplicity of the technology, with the Stonebranch team supporting the process the entire way.


Expedia was able to receive significant benefits from its transition to Stonebranch UAC. Its finance, Security, Infrastructure, Data Warehouse and customer-facing teams all use the platform to automate business processes, saving time and boosting productivity.

Because of its ongoing support and upgrades, Stonebranch’s UAC is able to provide continuing ROI for its users.

“Stonebranch’s automation solution has many benefits, but the most important factor in our decision to switch was how dramatically it lowered our support costs. The user base can now manage their requests independently, and this allows our engineers to focus on improvements to our core product and the development of net new features and applications. Stonebranch frees up our skills and time,” said Michael Bayha, Senior Systems Engineer at Expedia Group.

Expedia noted that certain essential tasks take roughly 50% as long as they did previously and onboardings that previously took a full week now take just one day. By saving time on this operational work, Expedia’s teams are able to focus on more value-additive work, bolstering their advantage in the travel marketplace.

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