Digital Transformation Metrics & KPIs for Measuring Success

Reading time: 3 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ Low Success Rates: Less than 30% of digital transformation initiatives succeed, with even lower success rates in traditional industries like infrastructure and healthcare.

⇨ Effective Metrics: Successful digital transformation measurement should focus on scope, active usage, user engagement, reliability, risk factors, and customer experience rather than solely on financial KPIs.

⇨ Strategic KPI Selection: Defining specific, relevant, and quantifiable KPIs that align with organizational goals and securing stakeholder buy-in are essential for accurately measuring and achieving DX success.

Digital transformation (DX) is a challenging initiative. Many organizations are pursuing large-scale change efforts—yet less than 30% succeed. Traditional industries such as automatics, infrastructure, oil and gas, and healthcare among others find it even more challenging: only 11% succeed with digital transformation.

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