Scaling SAP Potential with Codeless Automation

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Traditional coding in legacy SAP systems is gradually becoming outdated due to delays and operational complications that it causes.

⇨ Looking for solutions that would amplify SAP users' digital transformation journeys, suppliers are turning towards codeless automation.

⇨ By deploying codeless automation like Decisions step, businesses can save valuable time and target automation of their system’s functions towards customer goals.

In the recent years SAP technology has experienced many upgrades and changes. Among them are tools which help amplify its functions through automation and development. Traditional coding, although a crucial part of all legacy systems, is gradually becoming outdated due to delays and operational complications that it causes. In the age of constant digital transformation, SAP users are seeking solutions that would help automate most of their business’ processes to ensure fast and clear efficiency. With awareness of the struggle faced during the digital transformation journeys, more automation suppliers are leaning towards the development of codeless initiatives.

Codeless automated testing, or codeless automation, is the process of creating automated tests without writing a single line of code. Codeless automation lets teams automate the process of writing tests scripts regardless of skill level. Configurable Management, one of the leading competitors in codeless automation, has recently created a native Decisions step for accessing multiplicity of BAPI’s or RFC’s available in SAP, as well as custom BAPI’s and RFM’s.

The platform is entirely zero-code based and is aimed at reducing material creation time and increasing speed-to-market, as well as updating SAP with a single screen and providing full access to all business address services. Deployment of codeless automation may assist SAP users in utilization of dashboard and workflow features and therefore automate functions around the customer, rather than the software itself. Moreover, although zero-code automation like Decisions can be integrated into the cloud, hybrid and on-premise, it will be especially useful to those who are currently going through their cloud migration journey.

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Automation in itself is a vital tool, necessary to ensure success of a modern business. However, by upgrading it towards codeless testing, SAP users can liberate themselves from the chains of manual coding building and management. This way, businesses can save valuable time and target automation of their system’s functions towards customer goals, accelerating their digital transformation and increasing speed-to-market.

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