Precisely Champions Data Integrity

Reading time: 6 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Companies moving to SAP S/4HANA in the near-term should ensure that their data is sufficiently prepared for a move.

⇨ With automation, AI, and analytics at the forefront of strategy discussions, businesses must keep the five pillars of data integrity – integration, governance and quality, location intelligence, enrichment, and master data management – in mind.

⇨ Solutions like Automate Studio and Automate Evolve allow companies to streamline critical SAP processes so they can react quickly to market changes and allow business users to focus on value-added work.

Automation, AI, and the demand for real-time analytics are causing companies to have more stringent demands for their data management teams than ever before. We’re all familiar with the phrase “garbage in, garbage out.” While this adage still holds true, businesses need to look beyond ensuring that their data isn’t “garbage.” Rather, they must ensure that their data has integrity, meaning that it is enriched, integrated, governed, and available whenever and wherever business users need it.
The experts at Precisely have dictated the five key pillars of data integrity that data must have so organizations can trust the information they are using to make decisions. In this article, SAPinsider and Precisely break down those five pillars and share how they can enhance the abilities of SAP users for important actions like process automation and more.

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