Intelligent Enterprise

Why You Should Modernize Your Orchestration Platform With Your SAP S/4HANA® Migration

Reading time: 1 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ Urgency of Migration: As SAP's 2027 deadline for discontinuing support for legacy ERP approaches, businesses must urgently plan and transition to SAP S/4HANA to avoid increased maintenance costs and disruptions.

⇨ Challenges and Solutions: Control-M simplifies the complex migration process to SAP S/4HANA by providing comprehensive workflow orchestration, reducing integration complexity, and enhancing operational efficiency through advanced automation capabilities.

⇨ Strategic Benefits: By using Control-M, organizations can achieve smoother data flows, improved visibility, and scalability, ensuring successful SAP S/4HANA migrations while supporting future innovation and digital transformation initiatives.

As SAP®’s 2027 deadline for discontinuing support for its legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other modules approaches, the need to plan and enact the transition to SAP S/4HANA gets more urgent. Missing the transition deadline could have long-lasting ramifications such as additional maintenance costs and less inclusive approaches. By anticipating the chaos and consequences of this forced migration now, businesses will be better prepared to maintain business continuity and de-risk their transition to SAP S/4HANA and other cloud  product platforms. But even those businesses that start the migration process as soon as possible will face significant
challenges. In fact, the more well-established and entrenched in SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) the company is, the more challenging the transition becomes. There are many reasons this might be the case, including:
Integrations—Over the years, companies accumulate a growing number of integrations with their
SAP platforms. Ongoing management of all these integrations can be increasingly difficult and can
detract from a company’s ability to properly focus on their migration project.

Complex landscape—Often, organizations have complex system landscapes that may include
multiple ERP platforms, add-ons, non-SAP systems, and custom scripting. If any of the jobs and processes
associated with these systems break during migration, business can grind to a halt, costing the
company valuable time and money.

Learn more by downloading the whitepaper from BMC.

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