Using Automation to Accelerate SAP Infrastructure Management Efficiency
Webinar On-Demand
Meet the Speakers
Key Takeaways
⇨ Learn how to integrate automation technologies into landscape management.
⇨ See a demonstration of using automation technologies to streamline administration activities.
⇨ Understand the next steps for better leveraging modern automation technologies.
One of the biggest challenges organizations face today is that of automating, integrating, and modernizing their SAP workloads. This is particularly true for organizations moving to SAP S/4HANA where automation and integration are two of the most important focus areas. There is also a desire to leverage tools such as Microsoft Teams, chatbots, and ChatGCP. While these challenges may be relevant to SAP environments, they are just as important to the entire enterprise.
In this webinar Red Hat and Celebal will provide an overview of how the latest automation tools and technologies can be leveraged in SAP landscapes to help organizations run, simplify, and expand SAP workloads to increase confidence and stability while reducing risk and complexity.
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Attend this webinar to:
Learn how to integrate automation technologies into landscape management.
See a demonstration of using automation technologies to streamline administration activities.
Understand the next steps for better leveraging modern automation technologies.
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