Analyst Insights

Analyst Insights are written by SAPinsider’s research team. Based on information gleaned from surveys of the SAPinsider Community, conversations with experts, SAP employees, vendors, and SAPinsiders, Analyst Insights provide a thoughtful analysis of critical topics, technologies, and challenges that SAP customers face today.

202 results

  1. Maslow’s Hierarchy for Digital Transformation

    Reading time: 3 mins

    We live in an era of Empathy driven innovation and disruption. If you peel the layers of the onion, you will find that technologies being used by many disruptors were not radically new technology. The key driver behind these successful disruptors, in my mind, was the ability to identify a customer need and provide a…

  2. Mobility Warehouse

    Mobility Solutions in Warehouse Management

    Reading time: 6 mins

    Warehouse operations have always been intricate enough to manage seamlessly and efficiently but COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the challenges. The pandemic has created many “new normal” paradigms and to address these, warehousing executives will need to create scalable systems to accommodate not only unanticipated demand but associated evolutions in the wake of COVID. For example,…

  3. AIoT and Simulation

    Combining AIoT and Simulation Modeling

    Reading time: 3 mins

    AIoT on smart cameras has the potential to create innovative solutions in many domains. These cameras' capabilities can be paired with other emerging or existing tools and technologies to help create innovative solutions. Therefore, IoT-based analytics will be one of the focus topics in our February 2023 research report, Supply Chain Data And Analytics State…

  4. Additive Manufacturing

    Additive Manufacturing in Automotive

    Reading time: 1 mins

    SAPinsider will publish a focused research report on Inventory  Management and Optimization in November 2022. One of the aspects that we will touch upon in the report will be leveraging emerging technologies for inventory management and planning. We take pride in that our DART methodology helps SAPinsiders understand and evaluate how they can leverage technology…

  5. Inventory Management

    Stages of Inventory Management Expertise

    Reading time: 3 mins

    Inventory availability is the most critical aspect of customer service. In manufacturing and distribution domains, organizations need to define Inventory Management strategies that can help them control and minimize Inventory costs while providing the desired service levels to their customers. Inventory Management strategy can be used as a strategy of competitive advantage and as a…

  6. Barcode Technology

    Can Smart Vision Disrupt Barcode Technology?

    Reading time: 5 mins

    In an age where supply chains have become so crucial that every hyperscaler has launched a supply chain solution on their cloud platform, what will eventually differentiate these solutions? If you look for the high-level features in these solutions, most of the features are shared across the supply chain platforms by the top three hyperscalers.…

  7. CFO

    CFOs Face Growing Pressure Amid Role Evolution

    Reading time: 5 mins

    In today’s economy, CFOs are under tremendous pressure to do more with less. The pressure is only growing as executives must now contend with new compliance regulations and increased scrutiny from shareholders. Recent headlines underscore the mounting burden CFOs face as organizations consider all options to improve efficiency.  To better understand the sentiment of CFOs...…

  8. Supply chain networks

    Data Sharing in Supply Chain Network

    Reading time: 3 mins

    When the pandemic made the demand for certain products skyrocket, we started hearing the term "bullwhip effect" a lot. But the bullwhip effect has existed in supply chains for decades. The fact is, the technology to address this has existed for a few years now. The issue is more rooted in trust among the players…

  9. Process Automation Supply Chain

    Drivers for Process Automation in Supply Chain

    Reading time: 1 mins

    Process automation technologies have increasingly evolved into strategic solutions during the last few years. While the focus in the initial years of process automation adoption was primarily on achieving cost reduction, process visibility and employee productivity have increasingly become important objectives for deploying process automation solutions. The need for supply chain resiliency and agility have…

  10. Inventory Management

    Inventory Management and Optimization Research Report

    Reading time: 3 mins

    Inventory Management and Optimization SAPinsider will publish a benchmark report on Inventory Management and Optimization in November 2022. There could not have been a better time to conduct research focused exclusively on inventory management and optimization. Why so? Well, first of all, the first aspect, which is not surprising to any of us is the...…