Analyst Insights

Analyst Insights are written by SAPinsider’s research team. Based on information gleaned from surveys of the SAPinsider Community, conversations with experts, SAP employees, vendors, and SAPinsiders, Analyst Insights provide a thoughtful analysis of critical topics, technologies, and challenges that SAP customers face today.

201 results

  1. data analytics supply chain

    Supply Chain Product Innovation With Data and Analytics

    Reading time: 4 mins

    The pressure to innovate to launch new products and solutions emerged as a top business imperative in the response to the recent SAPinsider survey on the use of data, analytics and automation in supply chain. The survey results intend to help us formulate our storyline for upcoming February research report, Building Resilient and Agile Supply…

  2. Supply chain platforms

    Hyperscalers Focus on Supply Chain Platforms

    Reading time: 5 mins

    Supply chain planning solutions space has been a crowded and competitive segment for decades. As technology capabilities progress, we see more and more entrants in the segment, trying to compete with established players. However, a key fact of this space is that while bells and whistles may differ, the core features and functionalities remain the…

  3. Three Pillars of Digital Twin Solutions

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Digital twin solutions are generally associated with leveraging data generated by sensors on machinery to manage the health of the equipment in manufacturing environments. This capability of leveraging the data captured from the floor or equipments to replicate asset conditions and processes ,drives manufacturing digital twin offerings like  SAP IoT, based on the SAP BTP platform. Hyperscalers…

  4. IoT RFID

    How IoT Can Help Rejuvenate RFID Technology

    Reading time: 4 mins

    New digital tools and technologies on the horizon bring many promises. The hype for many of these emerging technologies is well deserved. However, before you embark on a mission to embrace emerging technology, you must consider whether you have already leveraged some mature technologies to their full potential in your supply chain. One such technology…

  5. TinyML

    Harnessing The Power of TinyML in Supply Chain

    Reading time: 6 mins

    You are not alone if you have not heard of ” TinyML “. The good news is that you are probably already aware of the underlying technology behind this terminology but were unaware of this marketing term assigned to it, sometime in late 2019. So let us first start by understanding what TinyML is all…

  6. SAP Punit

    What Punit Renjen Brings to SAP

    Reading time: 3 mins

    The news that Punit Renjen will replace Dr. Hasso Plattner is already a few days old. In case you missed it, Punit Renjen, Deloitte's former global CEO, will replace Dr. Hasso Plattner as the new SAP chairman. Dr. Hasso Plattner is the only remaining founder still actively engaged as part of SAP leadership and will…

  7. ChatGPT SAP

    Leveraging ChatGPT in The SAP World

    Reading time: 5 mins

    In this article, we will cover how the underlying algorithm behind ChatGPT can be leveraged in SAP ecosystem in this article. ChatGPT, as you may know, is an AI model developed by Open AI, which leverages a specific type of algorithm, reinforcement learning, to engage and interact in the form of a conversational dialogue. The…

  8. digital twin planet

    How Businesses Can Benefit From the Digital Twin of Our Planet

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Preserving the delicate ecosystem of our precious planet has become one of the urgent imperatives. Though humankind has done significant damage to the delicate balance of earth’s ecosystem, the positive news is that the awareness of the urgency to undo the damage has increased significantly. Companies are playing their part by trying to balance their…

  9. ChatGPT SAP

    Leveraging AI for “Segment of One” Supply Chain Planning

    Reading time: 6 mins

    A couple of decades ago, leveraging the strategy of delayed differentiation in supply chains was the rage. Delayed differentiation offered a relatively higher level of personalization without creating inefficiencies like excess inventory in the supply chain. For example, a manufacturer would color a lot of polo shirts only after demand trends started trickling in on…

  10. Logistics

    Logistics Cyber Resiliency Lessons from NOTAM Disruption

    Reading time: 5 mins

    It is beyond doubt that logistics, specifically transportation, acts as the backbone of supply chains in many industries. And often, in the corporate world, we forget that some of the largest logistics and transportation networks are run by federal agencies. And in many cases, there are best practices that these public organizations have developed that…