RFgen Revolutionizes Mobile Warehouse Data Operations

Reading time: 4 mins

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Organizations face significant difficulties in warehouse and inventory operations when it comes to maintaining up-to-date, dependable, and transparent data.

⇨ Efficient inventory management is crucial as outdated or manual procedures can impede scalability and restrict visibility.

⇨ RFgen's solutions for inventory operations leverage mobile automation and provide instant visibility and real-time management while eliminating hidden inefficiencies, data errors, and outdated processes

Data currency, reliability, and transparency are some of the significant challenges that organizations struggle with in warehouse and inventory operations. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that includes technology solutions and process improvements. RFgen, a leader in barcoding software solutions for mobile data collection, warehouse automation, and inventory management, is solely focused on solving inventory challenges in manufacturing, food and beverage, aerospace and defense, life sciences, and oil and gas industries.

RFgen provides high-reliability mobile barcoding software that directly integrates with SAP to help organizations reduce costs and increase efficiency. The solution facilitates inventory, warehouse, and supply chain workflow automation and operates as a thin client that connects to a server, which can be deployed on-premise or in the public or private cloud, depending on the customer’s preferences.

The company also provides different software applications specifically designed for PO receipt, shipment, and work order processing workflows. These workflows simplify the steps in managing inventory without modifying anything in the SAP processes. RFgen works with customers to design workflows that fit their instance of SAP, and if customizations are required post-deployment, the customer can make necessary changes via a development studio.

In addition to workflow streamlining and simplification, RFgen also manages data collection. In 90% of the cases, inventory data is captured via barcode scanning and the remainder via RFID or manual entry. The data is first fed directly into the handheld device and transmitted to the server, establishing a direct link to SAP. RFgen offers comprehensive hardware by reselling devices from Zebra Technologies and Honeywell. According to Mark Gemberling, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at RFgen, “Whether it’s finance, warehouse, or the workers on the floor, everybody sees the same item at the same place and time.”

With only 16% of participants in RFgen’s 2022 Digital Inventory Report stating their company’s mobile inventory systems meet their present requirements, the opportunity for RFgen to make a difference in the day-to-day inventory operations of today’s warehouses is undeniable.

RFgen does not aspire to become a full warehouse management system (WMS). The company is focused on mobile inventory data collection, ERP integration, and workflow simplification and has invested in modernizing and consumerizing its applications’ graphical user interface (GUI). The company is also growing its applications portfolio to offer an expanded range of specific warehouse inventory management workflows. RFgen’s applications deployments range from five users on the low end up to 250 users, whereas a typical customer has 10 to 15 applications with 20 concurrent users.

Case Study Example

At The Gill Corporation, manufacturers of high-performance composite materials for the aerospace and transportation industries, inventory management was done with manual, paper-based processes, which resulted in data loss and discrepancies across the business. The company sought an SAP-integrated mobile solution with quick deployment that could also manage future in-house IT developments. “We ended up customizing almost all the apps deployed by RFgen to fit our very specific needs,” said Vaibhav Dua, Vice President of IT and Information Security at The Gill Corporation. “We had our challenges, but the teams came together to solve them and make the project successful.”

What this means for SAPinsiders?

There are certain traits, which if exhibited by a warehouse operation would increase the relevance of RFgen’s solution. These symptoms include the following:

  • Inventory inaccuracies
    • Inability to locate inventory​
    • Mis-picks, mis-ships, and cycle counting errors​
    • Over/under stocking and stockouts​
    • Missing materials for production


  • Manual processes
    • Missing inventory and assets​
    • Inaccurate data
    • Lack of timely information​
    • Cycle counting pain


  • Warehouse inefficiencies
    • Insufficient order management and RMAs ​​
    • Lack of picking and cycle counting speed ​​
    • Mistiming/poor production planning
    • ​Kitting​ challenges


  • Labor challenges
    • Skyrocketing labor costs ​​
    • Manpower ​​backlogs
    • Long training times for new/seasonal workers
    • Manufacturing and cycle count delays


  • Inadequate legacy systems capabilities
    • Insufficient barcode system capabilities
    • Poor security and device compatibility ​
    • Slow ERP transactions
    • Labeling challenges from evolving packaging


  • Operations and IT complexity and end-users’ response
    • Overly complicated warehouse processes
    • Convoluted technical systems from legacy patchwork ​
    • High maintenance or upkeep burden​ ​
    • User rejection/low user adoption


  • Lack of continuity in inventory control
    • Downtime due to system maintenance ​​
    • Remote warehouse challenges
    • Lack of online/offline continuity
    • Field/yard inventory management


  • Inventory traceability gaps
    • Quality control/expiration issues​​
    • Gaps in digital records​​
    • Regulatory​ and compliance challenges
    • Lack of recall readiness

Effective inventory management is crucial because manual or obsolete procedures can hinder scalability and limit visibility. While precise and up-to-date information is key to achieving high-quality output, efficiency, and cash flow, RFgen’s solutions extend enterprise resource planning capabilities to any time and location. Organizations adopting RFgen’s solutions for mobile inventory data collection, integration with ERP systems, and streamlining workflows remain loyal to the brand as the company boasts about a 98% renewal rate. “People tend to stay on our software because once you deploy, it just makes sense. It’s clearly helping and delivering an ROI,” said Gemberling. “We take our customers through the entire process of deploying the system, and they are extremely satisfied.”


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