SAP Landscape

Benchmark Report: Low-code, No-code Development for SAP

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Learn where SAP customers are with respect to low-code, no-code development

⇨ Find out which functions and use cases are most prevalent to gain immediate value

⇨ Understand how SAP customers are proceeding to understand, evaluate and ready themselves for low-code, no-code development strategy.

While the demands from businesses for new applications and updates continue to increase, they are often met with reluctance or delays by the IT teams who are constantly under pressure with digital transformation related complexities or IT backlogs. However, to be competitive and responsive to customers, there is no choice but to be fast and nimble in delivering applications and updates.

One way to combat this challenges is with the adoption of low-code, no-code development platforms. If done right, these can be game changers in the way applications are written, deployed, and maintained. There are wild expectations about their ability to deliver applications at radically lower costs, enable business users to develop their own applications, and reduce IT backlog.

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SAPinsider surveyed 141 IT professionals worldwide during October and November 2022 on their plans for adopting low-code, no-code platforms, adoption drivers, strategies, and adoption challenges. The research highlighted interesting trends on where and how SAP customers are deploying or planning to deploy low-code, no-code platforms.

The survey findings reveal that low-code, no-code development is steadily becoming mainstream across both SAP and non-SAP landscapes. While the trend is in favor of low-code, no-code development in both SAP and non-SAP environments, there are several adoption barriers including limited understanding, concerns about security and data privacy, and poor user satisfaction.

Yet, some functions such as supply chain and finance are moving ahead with trials. New technology platforms for low-code, no-code development are entering the market in a fast trickle providing pre-packaged use cases and best practices.

Read the report on the findings from the survey to:

  • Learn where SAP customers are with respect to low-code, no-code development
  • Find out which functions and use cases are most prevalent to gain immediate value
  • Understand how SAP customers are proceeding to understand, evaluate and ready themselves for low-code, no-code development strategy.
  • Receive recommendations for setting up your organization for success with low-code, no-code development.

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