Exploring Key Technical Features of Enterprise Analytics

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Key Takeaways

⇨ Enterprise analytics is evolving fast to cater to evolution of business needs.

⇨ Modern enterprise analytics tools need to have certain technical capabilities to be effective.

⇨ These technical capabilities allow organizations to leverage these tools effectively.

As businesses become more diverse and complex, so do their associated business analytics systems. Imperatives like the need to build near real-time visibility, a data-driven culture, and digitalization have forced many organizations to invest in many data and analytics tools and technologies. Though technology and computing power have rapidly evolved during the last decade to support this proliferation of tools and technologies, the underlying aspects of these tools themselves need to evolve to align with the business complexities. The abovementioned trends, along with the rapid emergence of fields like data science, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, and the rapid adoption of cloud computing, are disrupting the field of business analytics, and more specifically, enterprise analytics. We touched upon these aspects in our reports, The Future of Business Intelligence and Analytics in The Cloud. BI tools have been around for more than four decades and, like all other business analytics tools, are evolving to catch up with business trends in the digital age. Considering this evolution, many SAPinsiders leveraging BI tools and their evolved form, enterprise analytics tools for a long time have a question on top of their minds – “What are some of the key technical features that are now a must-have in enterprise analytics tools today?”.

SAPinsider 2022 in Vegas this year saw unprecedented attendance. From a data and analytics track perspective, every session was rich in knowledge and content (You can get an overview of these sessions in this article). One of the vendors that shared strategic and tactical perspectives on data and analytics was Pyramid Analytics, and one of their sessions has content that in my opinion, answered the question highlighted above. So we invited Dave Henry, SVP-Strategic Alliances from Pyramid Analytics, to share his in-depth perspectives on this. Watch this part of the video discussion in this article.

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