As a sponsor, you play a valuable role in spreading the word about our premier events. Your connections and networks rely on you because you’re credible, experienced, and trusted. We know SAP professionals attend our events to learn from YOU.

With this in mind, we’ve created a marketing kit to help you promote your sponsorship of our event. Please feel free to use these throughout the marketing lifecycle.

About the Event Brand

The SAPinsider EMEA 2022 brand is designed to give the event a distinct visual identity while working cohesively with the SAPinsider corporate brand. The logo elements are based on a stylized interpretation of the Hundertwasserhaus, one of the most popular and iconic tourist destinations in Vienna.

We are providing a number of digital marketing assets that can be used to promote both the event in general and your appearance specifically. Unless otherwise specified, please do NOT alter the images below. If you have any questions regarding the event brand, or how to use any of the below assets, please reach out to your SAPinsider contact.

Event Basics

SAPinsider EMEA 2022
15-17 November 2022
Austria Center Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Hey you! Wanna win prizes for your social media savvy?

September 23 is our first social media BUZZ DAY promotion EMEA 2022 and we want YOU to be a part of it.

We’re taking to LinkedIn to build energy, excitement, and momentum around this world-class event, and we want to use the power of our network — and our extremely valuable sponsors, like you — to do so. On September 23, we’ll all post around the theme “What is YOUR favorite thing about SAPinsider in-person events?” and use our branded hashtags, #SAPinsider2022 #EMEA2022, #SeeYouInVienna to amplify the buzz about this amazing experience.

And because we want to make this both fun and a little bit competitive, we’re awarding $50 gift cards to winners in the following categories:

  • The post with the most likes
  • The post with the most shares
  • The funniest post*
  • The best picture*

Click here for a PDF with more details!

The main SAPinsider account and employees will be sharing, liking, and boosting your posts too, so this is also a fantastic way to elevate your brand and increase your influence across LinkedIn in a meaningful and constructive way. We’re so excited to kick off this initiative with you and look forward to seeing your amazing stories.

*Internal SAPinsider staff members will vote on these categories

Event Brand


The web-safe font being used for this event is Assistant, a contemporary sans serif design that is clean, modern, and works well with the sans-serif fonts in the SAPinsider brand family. Click here to access the font on Google fonts. If you are going to ANY customizations to any graphics below, we HIGHLY recommend that you install the font to ensure brand integrity.


In addition to the primary SAPinsider branded palette, this logo incorporates two other tones.

Primary Brand
Royal Blue
RGB: 35, 62, 152
Hex Code: #233e98

Medium Blue
RGB: 78, 169, 223
Hex Code: #4EA9DF

Event Brand
RGB: 150, 153, 55
Hex Code: #969937

Medium Blue
RGB: 135, 173, 219
Hex Code: #87addb

RGB: 216, 195, 145
Hex Code: #d8c391

RGB: 186, 74, 94
Hex Code: #ba4a5e

RGB: 247, 177, 33
Hex Code: #f7b121

Pale Lavender
RGB: 233, 226, 232
Hex Code: #e9e2e8

RGB: 236, 124, 35
Hex Code: #ec7c23


The event mark is a full-color design element that features basic event information as well as a mark. To download this logo, right click on the image and save. You may use this logo as a transparent image, but we do ask that you ensure legibility and readability of all the elements, especially the date and location information; if you’re using a solid color background, we HIGHLY recommend that you use solid white. Do not crop any elements from this logo.

Digital Marketing Assets

Below are a number of digital marketing assets that can be used across your various platforms to promote the event. Note: You may customize these images with your information (detailed below), but we do ask that you do NOT make any significant alterations to the look and feel of the event brand.

Jump To: Social Posts | LinkedIn Banner | Email Signature | PowerPoint Slide | Email Copy

Social Posts

You may use the below images to add to a LinkedIn or even Instagram post promoting your sponsorship. To use these images, simply right click and sage. Two may be posted without alteration, and the third one has a placeholder space for your photo or logo, should you wish to include it. To edit, simply download the image, open your editing software (we recommend Adobe Photoshop or Canva), and insert a rounded version of a high-quality portrait or headshot.

You may use your own copy to accompany these images, but we do request that you tag SAPinsider and SAP in the post, and use the hashtags #SAPinsider #EMEA2022 as well.

LinkedIn Banner

If you want, you may update your LinkedIn Banner to promote your appearance at our event. To add this banner to your profile, simply right click the below image and save to your computer. You can change your LinkedIn Banner by visiting your profile, click on your profile picture, and selecting “Edit”.

Email Signature

You may add an email signature promoting your sponsorship if you choose. To update your signature in Outlook, right click and download the image, then go to File > Options > Mail > Signatures, select or create a new Signature, and insert the image.

PowerPoint Slide

A PowerPoint slide has been created that you can insert into upcoming appearances. To use this slide, simply click here to download the PPT template and update your information. Please ensure you have downloaded and installed the Assistant font (see link above).

Email Marketing

You may also email your contacts about your appearance. Your emails MUST be CAN-SPAM and GDPR compliant. To send an email, you may use the below copy and layout as a guide. You may also click here to access a PDF version of the below email and cut and paste the copy.