Transforming the DNA of your Customer Service Team
A Digital Assistant for the Shared Inbox
Key Takeaways
⇨ Pros and Cons to Tradiitonal Shared Inboxes
⇨ Benefits of a Digital Assistant
Everyone understands that customer service plays a significant role in an organization’s success. What many business leaders don’t always know, however, is the “what, why and how” behind some of the recurring struggles that are seemingly baked in to the DNA of many customer service teams — struggles that can stunt growth and stagnate progress at a time when it’s most necessitous.
This ebook attempts to answer those questions by examining recent customer service trends, addressing the elephant in the room (shared inboxes), and exploring the benefits of employing a digital assistant to help your customer service reps (CSRs) work smarter, not harder.
Download this ebook from Esker now to read more.