Markgraf Consulting’s Comprehensive SAP Training

493 results

  1. Choose the Right SAP Training Method by Performing a Training Needs Analysis

    ManagementIt is often difficult to decide how to train the SAP user base given your company’s requirements. Walk through an analysis technique that provides a decision matrix to help you make the right decision. The analysis is performed on three sample projects to illuminate how it can vary based on your needs. Key Concept Training...…

  2. Pioneer in SAP Training Shares Insights About How Professionals Learn Today

    Reading time: 2 mins

    It is human nature to be curious. In the business world, this innate interest often translates into professional development. Learn about today’s SAP training trends.

  3. The ABCs of Preparing SAP ERP HCM Training, Part 1: Create Effective Training Environments

    A well-planned training environment can enable organizations using SAP ERP HCM to deliver effective training to their staffs over the long term. These best practices, drawn from recent experiences providing SAP ERP HCM training, show how to design the training system and materials to achieve maximum long-term benefits with minimal ongoing cost and effort. Key...…

  4. How Tyson Foods Streamlined Its SAP Financials Training

    ManagementCompanies that invest in SAP ERP systems expect to realize every advantage offered by such a robust suite of technology. However, buying, customizing, and implementing the technology itself is not enough. Companies must find ways of teaching users how to get the most out of the system. That is a lesson Tyson Foods learned well...…

  5. Implement a Three-Pronged Approach for Successfully Managing Training Compliance in SuccessFactors Learning

    Efficient management of compliance training is a critical need for many organizations looking at best-of-breed learning management systems. Discover how three SuccessFactors Learning tools can improve organizational training compliance through automated administration, at the same time reducing historically high HR administrative efforts and associated costs. Key Concept In SuccessFactors Learning, assignment types are used to...…

  6. Part 2: Plan For and Implement SAP Learning Solution

    SAP Learning Solution (LSO) configuration builds on SAP Training Management configuration. Follow these expert tips that relate to Training Management and LSO. Understand key configuration decisions before moving into your blueprint phase to configure LSO quickly and painlessly. Key Concept Your blueprint documentation should describe your key business processes and mirror the structure of the...…

  7. Make the Best Use of Training Verification Functionality in SAP Access Control

    Nitin Aggarwal and Sanjeev Kotwal show how to use the training verification functionality in SAP Access Control to automate the training check in the user access provisioning process. Key Concept SAP Access Control is used to provision roles or profiles to users in back-end systems in a compliant way. Every request for access submitted in...…

  8. Markgraf Consulting’s Comprehensive SAP Training

    Reading time: 1 mins

    Investing in employee education and training, particularly through specialized programs like those offered by Markgraf Consulting, is essential for companies to enhance productivity, adapt to technological changes, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic business environment.

  9. The ABCs of Preparing SAP ERP HCM Training, Part 2: Note 7 Areas to Improve Training Programs

    Use tips from these seven areas, including change control, authorizations, and evaluation, in planning your SAP ERP HCM training program. Key Concept A training client refresh strategy is a well-planned approach to refreshing the master data within the training clients. This is key for maximizing the value of the training program. A training program is...…

  10. Delivering Process- and Job-Aligned Training at Lower Cost with Solution Manager

    Reading time: 13 mins

    SAP solutions require a considerable amount of end-user training. Navigating through a large collection of training material can be daunting for a new SAP end user. By aligning the training to the business processes and to specific jobs, SAP Solution Manager Learning Maps can make accessing training more streamlined. Key Concept By using the Business...…