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893 results

  1. How SAP Users Can Optimize Cloud Migration by Leveraging Partnerships

    The countdown toward the deadline for SAP ECC maintenance in 2027 is getting closer and closer for SAP users. Cloud migration is now one of the most discussed and sought-after ERP enhancements. Knowing how complex the transformation is going to be for many companies, SAP has been consistently developing and enhancing its RISE with SAP…

  2. Use Knowledge Articles in SAP CRM 7.0 for Fast Solutions and Efficient Service

    Discover how to configure knowledge articles in SAP CRM 7.0, a particularly valuable tool for service scenarios in which agents often receive the same queries from multiple customers. With knowledge articles, your organization can maintain standard answers or instructions as reusable documents. In addition, see how SAP CRM can automatically suggest knowledge articles for easy...…

  3. An Introduction to SAP Predictive Analytics 2.0 and SAP HANA Predictive Tools

    In this exclusive report by Hillary Bliss, take a walk into the world of the SAP suite of predictive tools with an in-depth tour of the new SAP Predictive Analytics 2.0 and how it ties into SAP HANA and SAP Lumira. Learn the importance of general predictive modeling concepts, and then apply those concepts as...…

  4. 10 Brand-New Application Incident Management Features in SAP Solution Manager 7.1

    Reading time: 13 mins

    Develop a convincing business case to adopt the new Application Incident Management functionality within your SAP Solution Manager 7.1 system. Learn 10 brand-new features that are sure to inspire your implementation and support teams. Discover the key enhancements to SAP Solution Manager’s incident management functionality that boost SAP Solution Manager’s messaging capabilities. Whether you have...…

  5. SAP CRM 7.0 Enhancement Package 1: A Detailed Introduction to SAP CRM Service Request Management

    Learn about use cases and technical features of the service request, based on CRM 7.0 and SAP enhancement package 1. Understand which use cases the service request is suited for and how it differs from other service transactions, such as the service ticket. Key Concept From a business perspective, an SAP CRM service request is...…

  6. How to Integrate SAP CRM Shared Services Framework with SAP ERP HCM

    Learn about the integration of various HR processes with the SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) service center’s front-end solution, Shared Services Framework, which helps improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your shared-service organization. Using the birth of a child as an example, the details for the employee benefits of SAP ERP HCM are covered in...…

  7. Creating a Culture of Collaboration at Sargent & Lundy

    When power project services company Sargent & Lundy was faced with the need to empower new staff with the knowledge to succeed, business leaders recognized the immediate need for capturing expert knowledge from seasoned, in-house specialists before they reached retirement age. This institutional knowledge could – and should – be shared with their increasingly global…

  8. Prepare Your Data for Better Reporting with Start or Expert Routines in SAP NetWeaver 7.0

    Learn how to use data normalization in SAP NetWeaver 7.0 to reduce, if not eliminate, reporting problems with data. Key Concept Normalization seeks to organize data in a database. The objective is to look at the incoming data and then create new tables and relationships between these tables to protect the data and eliminate redundancy...…

  9. Are Your Skills Up to Date for the Age of SAP HANA?

    /HANASAP’s recent innovations, including SAP HANA, are likely to cause a skills gap in the SAP community going forward. Experts trained on classical ERP or analytics systems don’t necessarily have the right skills for the future. Get a first-hand look at some of the new skills that you need to successfully embrace the change. Learn...…

  10. Keep It Simple with Warehouse Management Data Elements

    Reading time: 11 mins

    Certain data elements including the warehouse, storage type, storage section, and bins are required to use Warehouse Management. Other data elements such as picking areas, material staging areas, and doors can bring additional flexibility to the warehouse design. See how you can use these data elements to keep the warehouse simple and efficient while meeting...…