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489 results

  1. Simplify Complex Data Flow Design in SAP NetWeaver BW 7.30

    Learn how to visualize, build, design, and develop complex data flows with SAP NetWeaver BW 7.30’s graphical, template-based data flow modeling tool. Using the tool, architects can work with data flows more easily than before. Key Concept SAP NetWeaver BW 7.30 includes a template-based data flow modeling tool that allows you to model the architecture...…

  2. Migrate Your SAP BW 3.x Data Flow to Upgrade to SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0’s New Features and Functionalities

    When you upgrade from SAP BW 3.x to SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0, the data flow doesn’t automatically migrate with the system. Find out how to migrate your DataSources, transformations, and Web templates to the new format. Key Concept A transformation is a new SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 structure or vehicle that moves data from the...…

  3. Analysis Process Designer 101: How to Perform Complex Data Analysis Easily

    Find out about the Analysis Process Designer capabilities in SAP BW that allow you to analyze and group data from mySAP CRM. See how you can create CRM target groups with SAP BW data to organize customer-related activities and process them for specific customer groups. Key Concept With Analysis Process Designer, you can create data...…

  4. Special Report: Implementing SAP HANA – An End-to-End Perspective

    In this exclusive special report, get an in-depth, step-by-step look at the aspects of implementing BI solutions on SAP HANA. Gain insight into how ETL integrates with SAP HANA and how SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 analyzes and visualizes the data stored in SAP HANA. Key Concept SAP HANA modeling is a process whereby a developer...…

  5. Get Data From Any Table in Another SAP System: A Generic Way in ABAP

    Learn a new way to load data from any table in any SAP system to any other SAP system. See how to use a Remote Function Call (RFC) function module call, Runtime Type Service (RTTS), and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialization/deserialization. Key Concept A Remote Function Call (RFC)-enabled function module is a function module that...…

  6. Complex Data Type Transfer through RFC

    Before sending data across systems you need to ensure both systems are on the same page regarding the data type. If it is a unique composite data type from the called system, then you first need to send the definition of this data type to the calling system and have it re-created. If it is...…

  7. Introduction to the ABAP Data Dictionary and Managing Data Dictionary Objects (Chapter 5)

    This sample chapter (chapter 5) from Faisal Altaf’s book, “Introduction to ABAP: A Project-Driven Guide,” is an overview of the ABAP Data Dictionary. The book uses the example of a point of sale project to introduce ABAP. As a current SAP Experts member you can read the eBook (online or download) with no extra charge...…

  8. How to Migrate to the New DataSource Concept in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

    A new data flow concept has been introduced in SAP NetWeaver 2004s. SAP still supports the existing classic 3.x data flow, which allows customers to migrate as their needs warrant. Although the migration is not required, it presents a host of new capabilities. Key Concept A DataSource can only exist in one of two states:...…

  9. Part 2: Data Modeling Strategies to Avoid Data Inaccuracy and Ensure Consistency

    Overcome the challenge of retaining the original master data attribute validity from when transactions occurred. Key Concept Developers only tend to use time-dependent master data attributes when a source system provides them as time dependent. However, SAP NetWeaver BI can also record time-independent master data from a source system as time dependent. This can greatly...…

  10. Managing Data with SAP Data Replication and Transformation Tools

    Data and solution integration is becoming one of the most important aspects in enterprise architecture. Learn about the functionalities provided by SAP data replication and transformation solutions and their proper use. Key Concept Modern business solutions often run in a complex enterprise landscape that requires extensive use of data replication and transformation functionality. Tools such...…