Körber Partners with Hai Robotics on Worldwide Distribution of Warehouse Robotics Systems

1018 results

  1. Supply Chain Process Automation

    Increasing Focus on Supply Chain Process Automation

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Process automation technologies have increasingly evolved into strategic solutions during the last few years. And recently we have seen an increased focus on supply chain process automation. While the focus in the initial years of process automation adoption was primarily on achieving cost reduction, process visibility and employee productivity have increasingly become important objectives now…

  2. Improve Background Process Design with Process Chain Scheduling

    The true value of any new algorithm or process implementation can be derived only when the batch process in which these functionalities are executed has been optimally designed. Learn the fundamentals of process chain scheduling and then walk through eight scenarios in which you can implement such scheduling using sample utilities to improve your process...…

  3. Manage Supply Chain Risks with SAP Supply Chain Performance Management 2.0

    SAP Supply Chain Performance Management 2.0 offers extended performance and risk indicators in a number of key areas, including the Supply Chain Council’s Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model. Learn how to effectively map these key risk indicators to an enterprise risk management program using SAP Supply Chain Performance Management 2.0 and SAP Risk Management...…

  4. Use World-Class SOP Strategies to Balance Future Supply and Demand

    Having difficulty balancing supply and demand? Doing OK but want to do better? Learn the key strategies to put Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) to work for you. Key Concept One of the key activities in the area of supply chain planning is the periodic review of anticipated demand and available supply. This business process...…

  5. Process Automation as Foundation to Build Resilient Supply Chain

    The need for supply chain resiliency and agility have emerged as prominent drivers in many of SAPinsider's recent research reports like Supply Chain Planning in The Cloud. SAPinsider also highlights supply chain visibility and data integration as key foundational aspects of supply chain agility and resiliency. Process automation solutions are critical in helping organizations build…

  6. Safety Stock: Which Method Is Right for You?

    Learn about various methods of safety stock supported by standard SAP Advanced Planning & Optimization (SAP APO), including a new method that provides a more cost-effective way of managing safety stocks in a supply chain. Key Concept Supply chains are exposed to multiple uncertain influencing factors, such as demand upsurges or production disruptions. Safety stock...…

  7. Use Down Payment Chain Functionality to Improve Efficiency of Tracking Contractual Events

    Track contractual events that occur in long-term projects with the down payment chain functionality in FI. Walk through the end-to-end configuration of the functionality supported by process steps with an example. Key Concept SAP’s down payment chains functionality groups all the accounting documents that belong to one contract. It also allows you to structure the...…

  8. IBM Practices What it Preaches in Supply Chain Transformation

    Modern supply chain management systems extend beyond conventional logistics, impacting factors like product and service excellence, delivery efficiency, expenses, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, overall profitability. This evolution has spurred global supply chain leaders to reevaluate traditional methods, recognizing that clinging to outdated practices poses significant risks amidst disruptions. However, despite progress, many supply chain operations…

  9. How to Control Process Chains Using Decision Variants

    Reading time: 12 mins

    Follow these step-by-step instructions for an alternative mechanism to stop process chains from running without having to remove them from meta chains or from the schedule. This solution helps avoid human error and data discrepancies in BI reports. Key Concept A meta chain links several process chains together and allows you to use every process...…

  10. 12 Tips to Automate BW Using Process Chains

    Reading time: 15 mins

    Process chains are the new generation (as of BW 3.0) of job scheduling and monitoring tools for tasks such as data loads, Reporting Agent jobs, or index rebuilds. The author recently automated a large BW system using process chains, and these 12 tips will get you started on your own automation project.   Those of...…