Centralize Forecasting for Customer and Interplant Demands Using Planning Materials

Centralize Forecasting and Improve Delivery Lead Times by Planning Non-Variable Components of the Family of Products

953 results

  1. How to Setup Demand Planning in SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization

    SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization, demand planning allows a business to perform forecasting of their materials while considering all the factors that affect the demand. Demand planning is periodic and contains multi-step processes such as data gathering, statistical analysis, reviewing market intelligence reports, and performing adjustments against budgeted forecast to drive material requirements planning. SAP…

  2. Centralize Forecasting for Customer and Interplant Demands Using Planning Materials

    Reading time: 11 mins

    In a typical supply chain, organizations have field locations or distribution centers that stock inventory to cater to customer demands (sales orders) and the stocks are replenished by the manufacturing locations via stock transport orders. Without an SAP planning strategy, manufacturing locations would have trouble forecasting for sales orders and stock transport orders. Organizations can…

  3. Make-to-Order Manufacturing Planning Strategy with Planned Cost

    Organizations often experience challenges in a make-to-order (MTO) environment when managing “planned customer changes” mapping to standard product structure. This article will teach you how to separate “planned” vs. “un-planned” changes integrating planning, shop floor execution, inventory management and finance/controlling with accurate value on the books. It will explain inventory valuation with a step by…

  4. Integrate Your SAP Data into SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation

    The purpose and the semantics of transaction level data in SAP ERP can differ significantly from what business users expect to see in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation when they perform their forecasting and consolidation activities. Taking these differences into account when integrating data into SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation is often more complex than...…

  5. How to Configure and Test Flexible Planning to Improve Performance and Increase Profits

    A good conceptual understanding of the Flexible Planning component of SAP Sales and Operations Planning (SAP SOP) helps reduce the number of cyclic iterations in Information Structure configurations and test its impact on the planning type before choosing the final design. Learn the necessary steps to configure Flexible Planning in your SAP system, including configuring...…

  6. Master APO Requirements Strategies

    Does your manufacturing requirement strategy in APO match your business plan? Find out how to determine if it does and adjust it if it doesn’t. Key Concept Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) requirements strategies determine not only whether a product is manufactured based on a make-to-stock or make-to-order principle. They also determine how existing product...…

  7. Express Planning Gives Managers Access to Plan Data in Multiple Systems

    Express Planning is a self-service Web functionality in mySAP ERP 2005 that gives managers the ability to extract the data they need during the budgeting process, even if the data is in a different system. They also can write data back to various modules and monitor variances without any external help. Express Planning masks the...…

  8. How to Accelerate Your Inventory Sorting Using Batch Search Strategy

    Discover how to set up and use a batch search strategy to accelerate inventory sorting with business scenarios. Learn certain precautions to take while implementing the use of batch search strategy functionality. Key Concept The SAP system has provided a system strategy to efficiently sort materials or product batches in inventory using batch search strategy...…

  9. Manage Role-Based Authorization for Cloud-Based SAP Integrated Business Planning

    Learn how to effectively manage stakeholder access for SAP Integrated Business Planning for sales and operations 4.0. Key Concept SAP Integrated Business Planning for sales and operations is a solution powered by SAP HANA that supports an organization’s end-to-end sales and operations planning business process on the cloud. In SAP Integrated Business Planning for sales...…

  10. Not Your Same Old Advanced Planning System Implementation!

    Panelists: Robert Birdsall and Ryan Rickard, SCMO2 Date: September 6 Sponsor: IBP Bootcamp and SCM 2018 Gone are the days of engaging a System Integrator and waiting nine to twelve months for the first in a series of rollouts. With today’s cloud platform, and specifically SAP Integrated Business Planning (SAP IBP), the platform is upgraded...…